swap-bch-js is a JavaScript Library for building transactions for the Signal, Watch, and Pay (SWaP) Protocol. The library is a fork of bitcoinfilesjs and also supports the Bitcoin Files Protocol (BFP). Methods for uploading and downloading files are provided per the BFP specification. For convenience, SLP-SDK (Bitbox) functionality has been built into the library.
SWaP Protocol Reference
This library is reference code for the Signal, Watch, and Pay (SWaP) Protocol. The end-to-end examples in this repository contain the full code necessary for the SWaP Signal and Payment message classes and types described in the protocol specification. Please reference these examples when building or testing your own applications.
For node.js
npm install swap-bch-js
Example Signal Downloads
const SLPSDK = require('slp-sdk')
const bitbox = new SLPSDK({ restURL: 'https://rest.bitcoin.com/v2/' })
const swap = require('swap-bch-js')
const Swp = swap.swp;
const swp = new Swp(bitbox);
fs = require('fs');
let metadata;
(async function(){
try {
// Exchange
let exchangeMetadata = await swp.bitdb.getSignalMetadata(1, "3bebd6590b0870e13a65fbb6a59e891ec06cd2f1c162f2b3c034d8b1e1ae88b9");
console.log('exchange metadata: ', exchangeMetadata);
let exchangeByTokenMetadata = await swp.bitdb.getSignalMetadata(1, null, "c4b0d62156b3fa5c8f3436079b5394f7edc1bef5dc1cd2f9d0c4d46f82cca479");
console.log('exchange by token metadata: ', exchangeByTokenMetadata);
// Escrow
let escrowMetadata = await swp.bitdb.getSignalMetadata(2, "d7cbeaab6d02769464f9c71a6efd8cd2682d728d7e5de3ac278372b1b81c9d83");
console.log('escrow metadata: ', escrowMetadata);
let escrowByOracleMetadata = await swp.bitdb.getSignalMetadata(2, null, "974b3bf766b36434a21fe6f8782d8056f932d33ae401e92cf31a88204a21ea3e");
console.log('escrow by oracle metadata: ', escrowByOracleMetadata);
// Crowdfund
let crowdfundMetadata = await swp.bitdb.getSignalMetadata(3, "565c84990aacfbd006d4ed2ee14bfb0f3bb27a84a6c9adcabccb6fb8e17e64c5");
console.log('crowdfund metadata: ', crowdfundMetadata);
console.log('outputs to crowdfund', crowdfundMetadata.outputs)
} catch (e) {
Example Exchange Offer Signal Upload
Full exchange end-to-end example in examples directory
const SLPSDK = require('slp-sdk')
const bitbox = new SLPSDK({ restURL: 'https://rest.bitcoin.com/v2/' })
const swap = require('swap-bch-js')
const Swp = swap.swp;
const swp = new Swp(bitbox);
const network = swp.network;
(async function(){
try {
// 1 - Set the funding address and WIF
let fundingWif = 'L3TS24MB1RhG3tcod2se7ik59WQRsUFkDiG8S2QNaPsapby7DmjR'
let fundingEcpair = bitbox.ECPair.fromWIF(fundingWif)
let fundingAddress = bitbox.ECPair.toCashAddress(fundingEcpair)
let msgType = 1 // exchange
// 2 - estimate upload cost for funding the transaction
const fileSize = 0 // No file included in this tx
let config = {
tokenId: 'c4b0d62156b3fa5c8f3436079b5394f7edc1bef5dc1cd2f9d0c4d46f82cca479',
buyOrSell: 'BUY',
rate: 280000,
reserve: false,
exactUtxoTxId: '9a1a5be139ee12e487ea34e5ff62d90995946f876227be056d5d088a79a302ee', // txid of the UTXO to spend
exactUtxoIndex: 1, // index (vout) of the UTXO you want to spend in the exchange
minSatsToExchange: 140000
let uploadCost = Swp.calculateFileUploadCost(fileSize, config);
console.log('upload cost: ', uploadCost);
// 3 - Make sure address above is funded with the amount equal to the uploadCost
let fundingUtxos = await network.getUtxos(fundingAddress, false);
let availableSats = fundingUtxos.reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue.satoshis
}, 0)
console.log('got funding Utxos')
console.log('available satoshis:', availableSats)
if(availableSats < uploadCost)
throw new Error('Insufficient funds in '+fundingAddress+' to send offer signal. Needed: '+uploadCost
// wait for network to resolve...
// 4 - upload the file
let fileId = await swp.uploadSignal(msgType, fundingUtxos, fundingAddress, fundingWif, config);
console.log('Offer Signal Id: ', fileId);
} catch (e) {
// wait for upload to complete resolve... Done.
Example Escrow Offer Signal Upload
Full escrow end-to-end example in examples directory
const BITBOXSDK = require('bitbox-sdk')
const bitbox = new BITBOXSDK.BITBOX({ restURL: 'https://rest.bitcoin.com/v2/' });
const swap = require('swap-bch-js')
const Swp = swap.swp;
const swp = new Swp(bitbox);
const network = swp.network;
(async function(){
try {
// 1 - Set the funding address and WIF
let fundingWif = 'L3TS24MB1RhG3tcod2se7ik59WQRsUFkDiG8S2QNaPsapby7DmjR'
let fundingEcpair = bitbox.ECPair.fromWIF(fundingWif)
let fundingAddress = bitbox.ECPair.toCashAddress(fundingEcpair)
let msgType = 2 // escrow
// 2 - estimate upload cost for funding the transaction
const fileSize = 0 // No file included in this tx
let config = {
oracleBfp: 'ee10994d61ae1318d6298975283509e44eeace497d30765cf1c7bc48a7410d2f',
contractTermsIndex: 0,
contractPartyIndex: 1,
compilerId: 'jeton',
compilerVersion: 'e01',
pubKey: '025d8a5fb65c9171946a17b791279862d85e7fe88ea194f85ff95de15388c7e666',
exactUtxoTxId: '3bebd6590b0870e13a65fbb6a59e891ec06cd2f1c162f2b3c034d8b1e1ae88b9',
exactUtxoIndex: 1,
appendedScriptPubKey: '76a91410c1db6f3076e020974ef540199e7ae4b76fbafa88ac',
appendedSats: 2000
let uploadCost = Swp.calculateFileUploadCost(fileSize, config);
console.log('upload cost: ', uploadCost);
// 3 - Make sure address above is funded with the amount equal to the uploadCost
let fundingUtxos = await network.getUtxos(fundingAddress, false);
let availableSats = fundingUtxos.reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue.satoshis
}, 0)
console.log('got funding Utxos')
console.log('available satoshis:', availableSats)
if(availableSats < uploadCost)
throw new Error('Insufficient funds in '+fundingAddress+' to send offer signal. Needed: '+uploadCost)
// wait for network to resolve...
// 4 - upload the file
let fileId = await swp.uploadSignal(msgType, fundingUtxos, fundingAddress, fundingWif, config);
console.log('Offer Signal Id: ', fileId);
} catch (e) {
// wait for upload to complete resolve... Done.
Example Crowdfund Offer Signal Upload
Full threshold crowdfunding end-to-end example in examples directory
const SLPSDK = require('slp-sdk')
const bitbox = new SLPSDK({ restURL: 'https://rest.bitcoin.com/v2/' })
const swap = require('swap-bch-js')
const Swp = swap.swp;
const swp = new Swp(bitbox);
const network = swp.network;
const utils = swap.utils
function outputArrayToBuffer (outputObject) {
let bufArray = []
(async function(){
try {
// 1 - Set the funding address and WIF
let fundingWif = 'L3TS24MB1RhG3tcod2se7ik59WQRsUFkDiG8S2QNaPsapby7DmjR'
let fundingEcpair = bitbox.ECPair.fromWIF(fundingWif)
let fundingAddress = bitbox.ECPair.toCashAddress(fundingEcpair)
let msgType = 3 // crowdfund
let outputArray= [
script: Buffer.from('76a914da74026d67264c0acfede38e8302704ef7d8cfb288ac', 'hex'),
value: 100000
script: Buffer.from('76a914ac656e2dd5378ca9c45fd5cd44aa7da87c7bfa8288ac', 'hex'),
value: 150000
let outputsBuf = utils.outputsArrayToBuffer(outputArray)
// 2 - estimate upload cost for funding the transaction
const fileSize = 0 // No file included in this tx
let config = {
msgClass: 1,
msgType: msgType,
campaignUri: 'https://swapcrowdfund.com/somecampaign',
outputs: outputsBuf,
let uploadCost = Swp.calculateFileUploadCost(fileSize, config);
console.log('upload cost: ', uploadCost);
// 3 - Make sure address above is funded with the amount equal to the uploadCost
let fundingUtxos = await network.getUtxos(fundingAddress, false);
let availableSats = fundingUtxos.reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) {
return accumulator + currentValue.satoshis
}, 0)
console.log('got funding Utxos')
console.log('available satoshis:', availableSats)
if(availableSats < uploadCost)
throw new Error('Insufficient funds in '+fundingAddress+' to send offer signal. Needed: '+uploadCost)
// wait for network to resolve...
// 4 - upload the file
let fileId = await swp.uploadSignal(msgType, fundingUtxos, fundingAddress, fundingWif, config);
console.log('fileId: ', fileId);
} catch (e) {
// wait for upload to complete resolve... Done.