
API to get summary and timestamp from audio file

Primary LanguagePython

Audio Transcription and Summarization with FastAPI

This project provides a FastAPI-based server that handles audio files, transcribes them using the Whisper model, summarizes the content with the BART model, and extracts timestamps from the transcriptions.


Install the required libraries:

pip install fastapi uvicorn whisper transformers torch python-dotenv


Start the Server

Run the FastAPI server using:

uvicorn api_application:app --reload

API Endpoint

POST /process-audio/

Upload an audio file to transcribe, summarize, and extract timestamps.


  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Form Data:
    • file: The audio file to be processed (.wav, .mp3, etc.)


  • transcript: The full transcription of the audio.
  • summary: A summarized version of the transcription.
  • timestamps: Extracted timestamps with corresponding transcript segments.


You can use curl to test the endpoint:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8000/process-audio/" -F "file=@/path/to/your/audiofile.mp3"

Project Structure

├── main.py          # Main FastAPI application
├── .env             # Environment variables (if needed)
├── README.md        # Project documentation