
Building Data-driven React Applications with Relay, GraphQL, and Flux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learning React

Building Data-driven React Applications with Relay, GraphQL, and Flux

Package Installation

- npm install -g webpack webpack-cli
- npm install --save react react-dom create-react-class
- npm install --save graphql graphql-express

Command Line Commands

. webpack public/js/app.js --output public/bundle.js
. webpack -w (Watching webpack files)

Start the Projecting

command 0 - Set MONGO_URL=<mongo-db-database-url>
            `Set MONGO_URL=mongodb://<user>:<pwd>@ds151124.mlab.com:51124/<db>`
command 1 - npm start
command 2 - webpack -w -d

Graph QL URL

- http://localhost:3000/graphql?query={counter,message}