Protocol Buffers - gRPC

Advantages: - Strongly Typed - Generate Code - Java, Golang, Python - Schema Evolution - Backward / Forward Compatibilty - Comments - - Data serialized in Binary

Disadvantage: - Serialized data not human readable - Less Support

Protocol Buffers

  • syntax
  • package
  • import
  • message
    • oneof: For specifying rule to expect one of the many fields.
       	oneof result {
       		string message = 1;
       		uint32 id = 2;
    • map:
      • map<string, IdWrapper> ids = 1;
  • service
  • enum

Scalar Types

  • Numbers (Default value: 0)
    • int32, int64
    • uint32, uint64
    • fixed32, fixed64, sfixed32, sfixed64
    • float, double
  • Boolean (Default: false)
    • bool
  • String (Default: empty string) (UTF8 or 7-bit ASCII)
    • string
  • Bytes (Default: empty bytes)
    • bytes

Data type deciding Criteria

  • range
  • Signed or Unsigned
    • uint32, uint64: No negative value
    • int32, int64: Accept negative value as well
      • but not efficient at serializing negative values
      • negative values are always 10 bytes long
    • sint32, sing64: accept negative value as well
      • but less efficient at serializing positive values
      • positive values are always 10 bytes long
  • varint or not
    • fixed32, sfixed32: Always be 4 bytes
    • fixed64, sfixed64: Always be 8 bytes

Advanced datatype


- Field names are not important for serialization and deserialization.
- Tags range 1 to 536,870,911
- Reserved Tags Google: 19,000 To 19,999

Repeated fields

  • 0 or more elements of that type.
  • Default value: empty list


  • enum <type> <name> = <tag>;
  • Default value: first value
  • First Tag : 0

Same Level Vs. Nested Messages & Enums

Golang package

go install


- Renaming fields:
	- Works fine as long as data type and tag are kept as it was.
- Removing Fields:
	- To avoid the use of tag in future, use following syntax with keyword `reserved`
	message Account {
		reserved 2;
		reserved "first_name"; //optional
		uint32 = 1;
	message Account {
		reserved 2,15,9 to 11; // Tags: Individual and range
		reserved "first_name", "last_name"; // field names
		uint32 = 1;

Protoc Compiler

  • `

protoc options

  • Decode Raw
    • cat protoc/simple.bin | protoc --decode_raw
    • To decode binary text in raw format to human readable format.
  • Decode
    • cat protoc/simple.bin | protoc --decode=Simple protoc/simple.proto
    • This decodes with a help of .proto file to give output in more useful format.
  • Encode
    • cat simple.txt | protoc --encode=Simple protoc/simple.proto > protoc/simple.pb

Naming conventions

  • filename should be in lower case
  • License header should go on very top
  • Sequence: syntax, package, import, option, messages/enum/service
    • enum, message, service names: Camel case
  • field names
    • in lower case
    • no capital letters
    • no underscores
  • repeated field name
    • use plural version of the word


service FooService {
	rpc GetSomething(GetSomethingRequest) returns (GetSomethingResponse);
	rpc ListSomething(ListSomethingRequest) returns (ListSomethingResponse);


Oficial Documentation