Dast test flow


1. Prerequisits:

Need configuration values like apikey, org, app, url of dast api, and testConf with include test suites to include and exlude.

2. Dast Test Initiation:

  • Sends a POST request to the Dast API initiate Dast Test with all the reqired test test suites and other configurations.

  • The Dast API initiates the Dast test based on the provided configuration.

3. Dast Test Monitoring:

  • Use the check dast status api to retrieve the status of the Dast test.
  • Poll the API at regular intervals until the test finishes.

4. Dast Start Report preperation

  • Initiate the report preperation
  • Check the status of report preperation

4. Report Download and Artifact Creation:

  • Upon completion, checks the availability of different Dast reports.
  • Wait and check until all the reports are ready
  • Downloads the desired reports (API Coverage, Dast Scan, Dast Scan Summary) if available using Download Dast reports api

REST API to Initiate a Dast Test

This API allows you to initiate a Dast test via the AppSentinels REST API.

Method: POST

URL: /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests

Replace {application_id} with your actual application ID. Replace {org} with your actual organization ID.

Request Body (JSON):

 "test_initiater": "API", // optional
  "name": "My Dast Test", // mandatory
  "target_url": "https://example.com", // mandatory
  "test_suites": ["api-testing"], // optional
  "allowed_endpoints": [], // optional
  "blocked_endpoints": [], // optional
  "request_timeout": 60, // optional
  "overwrite_host_header": false, // optional
  "auth_config": {} // optional


  • apikey: Your API key
  • x-user-key: Your user key
  • Content-Type: application/json

Response (JSON):

  "test_id": "123456",
  "start_time": "2023-10-26T15:00:00Z",
  "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
  "status_detail": "Test is currently running."

Additional Notes:

  • Refer to the AppSentinels API documentation for details on additional parameters and error codes.
  • A valid API key is required for access.

REST API to Check Dast Test Status:

GET /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests/{test_id}/status


  • application_id: String (required). The ID of the application containing the Dast test.
  • test_id: String (required). The ID of the Dast test to check the status of.
  • org: String (required). The ID of the organization containing the application.


  • apikey: Your API key
  • x-user-key: Your user key
  • Content-Type: String (optional). Defaults to "application/json".


  "test_id": "123456",
  "start_time": "2023-10-26T15:00:00Z",
  "end_time": null,
  "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
  "status_detail": "Test is currently running.",
  "test_cases_executed": 10,
  "application_issue_found": 2,
  "duplicate_alerts": 0,
  "policy_last_update": "2023-10-26T14:00:00Z",
  "training_last_update": "2023-10-25T13:00:00Z",
  "test_suites": ["api-testing"]


  • Replace {application_id} and {test_id} with the actual values.
  • The response contains details like start time, end time (if finished), status, executed test cases, identified issues, and other information.

Dast Report Start

Method POST

URL: /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests/{test_id}/reports


  • application_id: String (required) - The ID of the application containing the Dast test.
  • test_id: String (required) - The ID of the Dast test to check the report availability for.
  • org: String (required) - The ID of the organization containing the application.


  • apikey: Your API key
  • x-user-key: Your user key
  • Content-Type: application/json

Request Body (JSON):


Dast Report Availability

Method: GET

URL: /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests/{test_id}/reports


  • application_id: String (required) - The ID of the application containing the Dast test.
  • test_id: String (required) - The ID of the Dast test to check the report availability for.
  • org: String (required) - The ID of the organization containing the application.


  • apikey: Your API key
  • x-user-key: Your user key
  • Content-Type: String (optional) - Defaults to "application/json".

Response (JSON):

  "available_reports": ["api-coverage", "dast-scan", "dast-scan-summary"]

Download report APIs

API Coverage Report:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests/{test_id}/reports/api-coverage

Dast Scan Report:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests/{test_id}/reports/dast-scan

Dast Scan Summary Report:

  • Method: GET
  • URL: /api/v1/{org}/{application_id}/tests/{test_id}/reports/dast-scan-summary

These APIs allow you to download specific reports based on your needs. Remember to replace the placeholder values with your actual application and test IDs.