
HTML CSS assignment -> here


Complete the following javascript function that accepts the url and the parameter name and returns the value of that parameter.

function getUrlParameterValue(url, parameter) {
//Todo: complete this code
let url = "https://www.kommunicate.io/poweredby?utm_source=https://www.kommunicate.io/&utm_medium=webplugin&utm_campaign=poweredby"

function getUrlParameterValue(url, parameter) {
    let param = url.split('?')[1];
    let query = new URLSearchParams(param);

    for (let pair of query.entries()) {
        if (pair[0] === parameter) {

getUrlParameterValue(url, "utm_medium");


Write a javascript function that prints the reverse of a number. Example: if the number is 149, then output should be 941.

function reverseNum(n) {
    var digit, result = 0

    while (n) {
        digit = n % 10  //  Get right-most digit. Ex. 123/10 → 12.3 → 3
        result = (result * 10) + digit  //  Ex. 123 → 1230 + 4 → 1234
        n = n / 10 | 0  //  Remove right-most digit. Ex. 123 → 12.3 → 12

    return result


Describe the best project you have worked on, including links if any.

Best Project i did work during my internship at Highradius
Build an Al-Enabled FinTech B2B Invoice Management Application. 
where i was involved in creating a full stack web-based product thereby 
developing a deep understanding of all aspects of product development such as
identifying appropriate user requirements, designing a great user experience 
and building appropriate data models and machine learning models along with relevant 
UI components and backend design.


if you are to start a software company, name 2 people from your batch whom you will choose as your partner and why?

Ritvik sharma and Aman Bhatt
I'll chose them because i've been working with them since 
first year in my college we took part in many hackathons and 
ideathons together and are part of many technical clubs too,
I know them how they work and how to find solution in limited time without
loosing composure.
they both are technically sound beings and actually love this
industry and both of them have exploring traits that can help
my startup reach new heights.