Hi there 👋

Hey there 👋, I'm Vinayak vinayak19th

I'm just a Masters Student who loves working on Machine Learning & Quantum Computing. Currently, I'm working on ML algorithms that can improve the performance and functionality of NISQ Quantum computers at @MPS-Lab. I have full-time experience as a Deep Learning Developer at @Myelin Foundry.

Where I'm looking to go: My current goal is to pursue a PhD in Quantum Machine Learning and contribute to the development of this emerging and interdisciplinary field.


  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Quantum Computing

  • 👨‍💻 You can check out my profile @ vinayak19th.github.io

  • 💬 Ask me about Tensorflow or any ML/DL work

Connect with me:

vinayak1998th vinayaksha/

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