
Preact cli plugin for generating h2push headers and redirects rules for netlify

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Preact cli plugin for generating h2push headers and redirect(for SPA) rules for netlify

NPM version XO code style styled with prettier

Netlify has disabled H2 Server Push. Please check issue #11 for more info.


yarn add preact-cli-plugin-netlify --dev

Alternatively using npm:

npm i preact-cli-plugin-netlify --save-dev


And include in your project by creating a preact.config.js:

const netlifyPlugin = require('preact-cli-plugin-netlify');

export default function (config) {


Custom redirects

In addition to the generated redirects, you may want to supply your own rewrite rules. In this case, you can pass array of custom redirects to the plugin, such as

export default function(config) {
    netlifyPlugin(config, {
        redirects: [
          '/api/* https://api.example.com/:splat 200',
          '/custom/* https://custom.example.com/ 200'

which generates the following _redirects file:

/api/* https://api.example.com/:splat 200
/custom/* https://custom.example.com/ 200
/* /index.html 200


This plugin consumes the push-manifest.json created by preact-cli and derive Netlify headers from it. There are cases where you might want to add preloads to a certain route or even add/modify a route(e.g. for dymanic routes you'll need to add a * to the route).

For this use mutateManifest as shown to mutate the JSON and the headers will be generated accordingly.

export default function(config) {
    netlifyPlugin(config, {
        mutateManifest: (routes)  => {
            // Add additonal assets you want to be preloaded at the index route
          return routes;

Brotli compression

Preact-CLI have a flag --brotli which automatically generates brotli compressed assets for all the javascript files. To serve these files using netlify you can use brotli option as shown below.

For more info please check this blog post https://medium.com/@prateekbh/using-brotli-with-preact-cli-3-ca03125b1e2b

  export default function(config, env) {
    netlifyPlugin(config, {
        brotli: env.brotli

Which generates below config in _headers file

  content-encoding: br

Generated files

This plugin genererates _headers and _redirects files inside build folder

Example of genererated files

# _headers
  Cache-Control: public, max-age=3600, no-cache
  Access-Control-Max-Age: 600
  Cache-Control: private, no-cache
  Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000
  Link: </style.4f36e.css>; rel=preload; as=style
  Link: </bundle.10e55.js>; rel=preload; as=script
  Link: </route-home.chunk.47478.js>; rel=preload; as=script
  Link: </style.4f36e.css>; rel=preload; as=style
  Link: </bundle.10e55.js>; rel=preload; as=script
  Link: </route-profile.chunk.e4eea.js>; rel=preload; as=script
# _redirects
/* /index.html 200

You can verify these rules at netlify playground

Deploying to netlify

  • Install netlify cli
    npm install netlify-cli -g
  • Deploy build folder
    netlify deploy -p build


MIT © VinayPuppal