
tp-link command list and cipher functions in c

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TPLink SmartPlug

TPLink smart plugs and switches can be controlled on the local network using protocol commands listed below. The device to be controlled must be connected to via TCP socket connection (device's IP/ port=9999). Commands listed below can then be sent to the device. Command payload must be encrypted using XOR autokey cipher (key=171) and prefixed with length (1st 4 bytes) in big-endian/ network byte order. xor_autokey_cipher.c contains encryption and decryption functions.

e.g. If the command to be sent is {"system":{"set_relay_state":{"state":0}}}, the payload will be

00 00 00 2a d0 f2 81 f8 8b ff 9a f7 d5 ef 94 b6 c5 a0 d4 8b f9 9c f0 91 e8 b7 c4 b0 d1 a5 c0 e2 d8 a3 81 f2 86 e7 93 f6 d4 ee de a3 de a3

The first 4 bytes 00 00 00 2a (42) represent the length of the encrypted command.

TP-Link Smart Home Protocol Command List

(for TP-Link HS100 and HS110)

System Commands

Get System Info (Software & Hardware Versions, MAC, deviceID, hwID etc.)




Reset (To Factory Settings)


Turn On


Turn Off


Turn On Device LED (Night mode)


Turn Off Device LED (Night mode)


Set Device Alias

{"system":{"set_dev_alias":{"alias":"supercool plug"}}}

Set MAC Address


Set Device ID


Set Hardware ID


Set Location


Perform uBoot Bootloader Check


Get Device Icon


Set Device Icon


Set Test Mode (command only accepted coming from IP


Download Firmware from URL


Get Download State


Flash Downloaded Firmware


Check Config


WLAN Commands

Scan for list of available APs


Connect to AP with given SSID and Password


Cloud Commands

Get Cloud Info (Server, Username, Connection Status)


Get Firmware List from Cloud Server


Set Server URL


Connect with Cloud username & Password

{"cnCloud":{"bind":{"username":"your@email.com", "password":"secret"}}}

Unregister Device from Cloud Account


Time Commands

Get Time


Get Timezone


Set Timezone


EMeter Energy Usage Statistics Commands (for TP-Link HS110)

Get Realtime Current and Voltage Reading


Get EMeter VGain and IGain Settings


Set EMeter VGain and Igain


Start EMeter Calibration


Get Daily Statistic for given Month


Get Montly Statistic for given Year


Erase All EMeter Statistics


Schedule Commands (action to perform regularly on given weekdays)

Get Next Scheduled Action


Get Schedule Rules List


Add New Schedule Rule

{"schedule":{"add_rule":{"stime_opt":0,"wday":[1,0,0,1,1,0,0],"smin":1014,"enable":1,"repeat":1,"etime_opt":-1,"name":"lights on","eact":-1,"month":0,"sact":1,"year":0,"longitude":0,"day":0,"force":0,"latitude":0,"emin":0},"set_overall_enable":{"enable":1}}}

Edit Schedule Rule with given ID

{"schedule":{"edit_rule":{"stime_opt":0,"wday":[1,0,0,1,1,0,0],"smin":1014,"enable":1,"repeat":1,"etime_opt":-1,"id":"4B44932DFC09780B554A740BC1798CBC","name":"lights on","eact":-1,"month":0,"sact":1,"year":0,"longitude":0,"day":0,"force":0,"latitude":0,"emin":0}}}

Delete Schedule Rule with given ID


Delete All Schedule Rules and Erase Statistics


Countdown Rule Commands (action to perform after number of seconds)

Get Rule (only one allowed)


Add New Countdown Rule

{"count_down":{"add_rule":{"enable":1,"delay":1800,"act":1,"name":"turn on"}}}

Edit Countdown Rule with given ID

{"count_down":{"edit_rule":{"enable":1,"id":"7C90311A1CD3227F25C6001D88F7FC13","delay":1800,"act":1,"name":"turn on"}}}

Delete Countdown Rule with given ID


Delete All Coundown Rules


Anti-Theft Rule Commands (aka Away Mode) (period of time during which device will be randomly turned on and off to deter thieves)

Get Anti-Theft Rules List


Add New Anti-Theft Rule


Edit Anti-Theft Rule with given ID


Delete Anti-Theft Rule with given ID


Delete All Anti-Theft Rules
