
Set of scripts to easily deploy a k8s cluster on GKE

Primary LanguageShell


Set of scripts to easily deploy a k8s cluster on GKE

The following steps can be followed to deploy a K8's cluster on GKE:


  1. gcloud cli has been installed on your machine.


  1. Run manage_k8s_cluster.sh

    ./manage_k8s_cluster.sh create <cluster name> <GCP zone> <GCP project id>

  2. Run bash get-creds.sh

    ./get-creds.sh <cluster name> <GCP zone> <GCP project id>

  3. Run cluster-role.sh


  1. Download and install the latest version of Istio.

    Link: https://istio.io/docs/setup/kubernetes/download-release/

  2. Edit the istio-cfg.sh file set the directory path to the Istio installation

  3. Run istio-cfg.sh

    ./istio.cfg.sh install_crds

  4. Run instio-cfg.sh again with the following arguments.

    ./istio-cfg.sh create_namespace <namespace name>

    Note this is the namespace that will introduce the injection of the Envoy proxy.


A1. Please refer to the Kubernetes_and_Istio_Instructions.txt document for additional notes.

A2. Additional resources:

Please execute the following steps to complete the istio installation:

A2.1 kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml A2.2 kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-demo-auth.yaml

A3. Verify the Istio Installation

```kubectl get svc -n istio-system```

A4. Enable the default namespace to perform Istio-sidecar injection

A4.1 kubectl label namespace <namespace> istio-injection=enabled