
Starting points for Wasp Lang applications with batteries included

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Wasp Starters

Welcome to Wasp Starters 👋

In this repository you'll find some starters to speed up your initial project with Wasp Lang

If you don't already have it, you can install Wasp by going here.

Available starters

Note After you create a new project, make sure to check the README.md to see any additional info

SaaS Template

A SaaS Template to get your profitable side-project started quickly and easily!

Features: w/ Stripe Payments, OpenAI GPT API, Google Auth, SendGrid, Tailwind, & Cron Jobs

Use this template:

wasp new <project-name> -t saas


Waspello is a Trello clone app made with Wasp.

Features: Auth (Google, username/password), Optimistic Updates, Tailwind CSS integration

Use this template:

wasp new <project-name> -t waspello

If you are looking to contribute a template

This repository is used to store the starter templates. Wasp uses giget in the background to download folders from this repository.

Users call the Wasp CLI with wasp new <project-name> -t <template-name> and then Wasp does the following:

  1. Downloads the template folder
  2. Replaces some placeholders in the main.wasp
  • Replaces __waspProjectName__ and __waspAppName__ with user provided <project-name>
  • Replaces __waspVersion__ with the current Wasp CLI version

Adding new templates requires just creating a new folder in this repo, and putting the placeholders instead of the app name, title and version.