
A simple coding assignment evaluation application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is an application for creating a programming task for other people to solve. After each submission, the task is run against tests, and the solution is given which tests have failed/succeeded.

There is a live demo of the app here: https://codingtest.stonyvin.net/

There are three main pages: admin, task and results. To see how admin console works - go to: https://codingtest.stonyvin.net/admin To make changes enter the password: bvzRTaz21x

Tests must be in JSON format, like:

    "arguments": Array of valid JS types,
    "result": valid JS type

Executable function is the same as the function name in code, e.x.:

// code
function solve(a, b) { /* something */ }

The function name must be solve

Front end is react/redux Backend is node/express