"Webpack to the rescue"

Developing and debugging with SAM & typescript with webpack

_ @Vincedgy - 10/2019_

"AWS SAM can not use Typescript,

and it's quite hard to debug with !"

Can we do better ?

Yes !

with the help of

aws-sam-webpack-plugin written by Rich Buggy


This presentation is very much inspired

by Rich Buggy's video

ʍɥo ɐɯ ı ?


Cloud enabler, CTO, certified AWS Cloud Architect & Dev, 🐳Docker, 🌿Spring , ❤️Angular, ⚛ React and so much more

Let's do some smart things...


You're located on your linux ou MacOS host

in a directory for sandbox.

You'll need...

NodeJS 10+ and npm installed


Docker installed (used by SAM)


  • AWS account
  • AWS CLI working for this AWS account
  • AWS SAM installed


Visual Studio Code for Editing


Typescript knowledge (https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript)


Create a new application with SAM

Lauch the creation of a sam project for NodeJs 10.x named 'demo'

$ sam init -r nodejs10.x -n demo

[+] Initializing project structure...

Project generated: ./demo

Steps you can take next within the project folder
[*] Invoke Function: sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction --event event.json
[*] Start API Gateway locally: sam local start-api

Read demo/README.md for further instructions

[*] Project initialization is now complete

Now open 'demo' project in Visual Studio Code

cd demo
code .


Install the projet

Install a package.json in your project for dependencies and install them like so

npm init -y

Install development dependencies

$ npm install --save-dev \
  webpack webpack-cli \
  typescript \
  ts-loader \
  aws-sam-webpack-plugin \
  @types/aws-lambda @types/node


+ aws-sam-webpack-plugin@0.3.1
+ @types/aws-lambda@8.10.33
+ ts-loader@6.2.0
+ @types/node@12.11.1
+ webpack-cli@3.3.9
+ webpack@4.41.2
+ typescript@3.6.4
added 504 packages from 317 contributors and audited 5368 packages in 24.962s
found 0 vulnerabilities
  • webpack: is a module bundler and task runner. Not limited to Web alone ! It handles ES2015+, CommonJS, and AMD module formats. It's now one of the famest module bundler, popularize by React and many others.

  • webpack-cli : the CLI of webpack

  • typescript : TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing to the language.

  • ts-loader : is Typescript loader for webpack. Note : Loaders are transformations that are applied on the source code of a module

  • aws-sam-webpack-plugin : A Webpack plugin to replace the build step for SAM CLI created by Rich Buggy (https://github.com/SnappyTutorials/aws-sam-webpack-plugin)

  • @types/aws-lambda : typescript types declaration for aws-lambda

  • @types/node : typescript types declaration for node

Install project's dependencies

npm install aws-sdk source-map-support --save


+ source-map-support@0.5.13
+ aws-sdk@2.553.0
added 9 packages from 60 contributors, updated 1 package and audited 17654 packages in 6.052s
found 0 vulnerabilities
  • aws-sdk : AWS SDK for Javascript

  • source-map-support : This module provides source map support for stack traces in node via the V8 stack trace API. It uses the source-map module to replace the paths and line numbers of source-mapped files with their original paths and line numbers. This is THE usefull package for debugging

Create a webpack config

Put this webpack.config.js into your project

const AwsSamPlugin = require("aws-sam-webpack-plugin");

const awsSamPlugin = new AwsSamPlugin();

module.exports = {
  // Loads the entry object from the AWS::Serverless::Function resources in your
  // template.yaml or template.yml
  entry: awsSamPlugin.entry(),

  // Write the output to the .aws-sam/build folder
  output: {
    filename: "[name]/app.js",
    libraryTarget: "commonjs2",
    path: __dirname + "/.aws-sam/build/"

  // Create source maps
  devtool: "source-map",

  // Resolve .ts and .js extensions
  resolve: {
    extensions: [".ts", ".js"]

  // Target node
  target: "node",

  // Includes the aws-sdk only for development. The node10.x docker image
  // used by SAM CLI Local doens't include it but it's included in the actual
  // Lambda runtime.
  externals: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? [] : ["aws-sdk"],

  // Set the webpack mode
  mode: process.env.NODE_ENV || "production",

  // Add the TypeScript loader
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.tsx?$/,
        loader: "ts-loader"

  // Add the AWS SAM Webpack plugin
  plugins: [
  • Line 8 : is the link between the SAM template's entry for the aws-sam-plugin plugin.
  • Line 12 : It will generate a folder with the name of the SAM Function and a app.js file for each of them
  • Line 14 : It will build the JavaScript generated from TypeScript into a folder /.aws-sam/build/
  • Line 18 : activate source-map
  • Line 31 : you should comment this line (keep prodcution mode activated)

AWS recommands to always add the aws-sdk

even if the SAM CLI don't install it ... 🐵

  • Line 37-44 : you add ts-loader included. which compiles TypeScript (*.ts files) to JavaScript for lambda
  • Line 47-49 : 'aws-sam-plugin' is activated for webpack

Create a Typescript config

Create a typescript.json file on the base directory of your project with the following content :

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2015",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "allowJs": true,
    "checkJs": true,
    "sourceMap": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true
  "include": ["src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.js"]

Add script for building and packaging with webpack

Back to the package.json file add the following line into scripts section :

  "scripts": {
    "build": "webpack-cli",
    "watch": "webpack-cli -w",

You should have a package.json like this (the versions may have changed...):

  "name": "demo",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "This project contains source code and supporting files for a serverless application that you can deploy with the SAM CLI. It includes the following files and folders.",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "build": "webpack-cli",
    "watch": "webpack-cli -w"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/aws-lambda": "^8.10.33",
    "@types/node": "^12.11.1",
    "aws-sam-webpack-plugin": "^0.3.1",
    "ts-loader": "^6.2.0",
    "typescript": "^3.6.4",
    "webpack": "^4.41.2",
    "webpack-cli": "^3.3.9"
  "dependencies": {
    "aws-sdk": "^2.553.0",
    "source-map-support": "^0.5.13"

Create a source folder

Webpack fetch files from within the 'src' folder,

so let's restructure a bit :

  • Into the 'demo' directoy create a 'src' directory.
  • Then move the 'hello-world' example function created by sam-cli into there.

Within hello-world, you also can remove :

  • package.json : useless now
  • .npmignore : event more useless after removing package.json file
  • tests : because we keep it simple !

You should have something like this :

$ tree -I node_modules
├── README.md
└── demo
    ├── README.md
    ├── events
    │   └── event.json
    ├── package-lock.json
    ├── package.json
    ├── src
    │   └── hello-world
    │       └── app.js
    ├── template.yaml
    ├── tsconfig.json
    └── webpack.config.js

4 directories, 9 files

Now we need to tell SAM that the source is into 'src'

Edit template.yml file :

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: src/hello-world/
      Handler: app.lambdaHandler
      Runtime: nodejs10.x

Build the project


Let's build it !

$ NODE_ENV=development npm run-script build
$ NODE_ENV=development npm run-script build

> demo@1.0.0 build /Users/vincent/Projects/Yoldee.fr/yoldee-server/demo
> webpack-cli

Hash: 1f2045c517f7f7e8f613
Version: webpack 4.41.2
Time: 112ms
Built at: 10/19/2019 9:35:58 AM
                        Asset      Size              Chunks                   Chunk Names
    HelloWorldFunction/app.js  4.84 KiB  HelloWorldFunction  [emitted]        HelloWorldFunction
HelloWorldFunction/app.js.map  4.85 KiB  HelloWorldFunction  [emitted] [dev]  HelloWorldFunction
Entrypoint HelloWorldFunction = HelloWorldFunction/app.js HelloWorldFunction/app.js.map
[./src/hello-world/app.js] 1.02 KiB {HelloWorldFunction} [built]

The build has created :

  • the .aws-sam folder
  • the build sub-folder
  • copy the template.yml file
$ tree -a -I node_modules
├── README.md
└── demo
    ├── .aws-sam
    │   └── build
    │       ├── HelloWorldFunction
    │       │   ├── app.js
    │       │   └── app.js.map
    │       └── template.yaml
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── .vscode
    │   └── launch.json
    ├── README.md
    ├── events
    │   └── event.json
    ├── package-lock.json
    ├── package.json
    ├── src
    │   └── hello-world
    │       └── app.js
    ├── template.yaml
    ├── tsconfig.json
    └── webpack.config.js

8 directories, 14 files

This is the same output if you had executed sam build command.

It is AWS SAM compatible.

It also created a .vscode folder with a launch.json file that will help for debugging.

DEBUG it !

The build has created a .vscode folder with a launch.json

That specifies the TCP port 5858 for the Visual Studio Code debugger.

Launch sam with the debugging port 5858 activated

Into the src/hello-world/app.js place a breakpoint, for instance, on the return instruction.

$ sam local invoke -d 5858 -e events/event.json HelloWorldFunction

-d 5858 : is for the debug mode for SAM

$ sam local invoke -d 5858 -e events/event.json HelloWorldFunction
Invoking app.lambdaHandler (nodejs10.x)
2019-10-19 09:48:08 Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials

Fetching lambci/lambda:nodejs10.x Docker container image..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Mounting /Users/vincent/Projects/Yoldee.fr/yoldee-server/demo/.aws-sam/build/HelloWorldFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector

At this point SAM is listening to the debugger on port 5858.

Actualy debug it !


In Visual Studio Code, do clic on the Debugging section and found the right config for your function.

The plugin as created it automatically for you !

You're debugging...

the breakpoint stops...

you see the variables...

it's working !

$ sam local invoke -d 5858 -e events/event.json HelloWorldFunction
Invoking app.lambdaHandler (nodejs10.x)
2019-10-19 09:54:39 Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials

Fetching lambci/lambda:nodejs10.x Docker container image......
Mounting /Users/vincent/Projects/Yoldee.fr/yoldee-server/demo/.aws-sam/build/HelloWorldFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector
Debugger attached.
START RequestId: 8356f349-22cb-145d-623e-19c0d0789765 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 8356f349-22cb-145d-623e-19c0d0789765
REPORT RequestId: 8356f349-22cb-145d-623e-19c0d0789765  Init Duration: 42325.95 ms      Duration: 32067.74 ms   Billed Duration: 32100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB      Max Memory Used: 55 MB
{"statusCode":200,"body":"{\"message\":\"hello world\"}"}

Now let's use Typescript !

First step

rename the app.js file to app.ts !

Then run webpack in watch mode :

$ NODE_ENV=development npm run-script watch

> demo@1.0.0 watch /Users/vincent/Projects/Yoldee.fr/yoldee-server/demo
> webpack-cli -w

webpack is watching the files…

Hash: 1cb4bc5dfac53e51147d
Version: webpack 4.41.2
Time: 1640ms
Built at: 10/19/2019 11:23:51 AM
                        Asset     Size              Chunks                   Chunk Names
    HelloWorldFunction/app.js  5.5 KiB  HelloWorldFunction  [emitted]        HelloWorldFunction
HelloWorldFunction/app.js.map  5.1 KiB  HelloWorldFunction  [emitted] [dev]  HelloWorldFunction
Entrypoint HelloWorldFunction = HelloWorldFunction/app.js HelloWorldFunction/app.js.map
[./src/hello-world/app.ts] 1.68 KiB {HelloWorldFunction} [built]

Edit app.ts and define types for our event and context as parameters of our Handler :

exports.lambdaHandler = async (event:AWSLambda.APIGatewayEvent, 
              context:AWSLambda.APIGatewayEventRequestContext) => {
  let response
  try {
        response = {
            'statusCode': 200, 
            'body': JSON.stringify({ message: 'hello world' })
    } catch (err) {
        return err
    return response

Webpack wakes up and compile app.ts

$ tree -a -I node_modules                                         
├── .aws-sam
│   └── build
│       ├── HelloWorldFunction
│       │   ├── app.js
│       │   └── app.js.map
│       └── template.yaml
├── .gitignore
├── .vscode
│   └── launch.json
├── README.md
├── events
│   └── event.json
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── src
│   └── hello-world
│       └── app.ts
├── template.yaml
├── tsconfig.json
└── webpack.config.js

You can check the generated app.js in .aws-sam directory.

Now let's launch an invocation of our 'TypeScripted' lambda

$ sam local invoke -e events/event.json HelloWorldFunction 
Invoking app.lambdaHandler (nodejs10.x)
2019-10-19 11:35:21 Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials

Fetching lambci/lambda:nodejs10.x Docker container image......
Mounting /Users/vincent/Projects/Yoldee.fr/yoldee-server/demo/.aws-sam/build/HelloWorldFunction as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
START RequestId: bd0096cb-c81b-133c-5f4d-c5517c606ddb Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: bd0096cb-c81b-133c-5f4d-c5517c606ddb
REPORT RequestId: bd0096cb-c81b-133c-5f4d-c5517c606ddb  Duration: 18.94 ms      Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB     Max Memory Used: 42 MB
{"statusCode":200,"body":"{\"message\":\"hello world\"}"}

Typescript is working !

Going further ?

Debugging with SAM


Thank you
