
Base and expriment workspace with docker

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status


  • githubhook jenkins

  • bitbukethook jenkins

  • ssh to ssh docker (base)

  • private registry (distribution) docker

  • travis for build exec ./build and test bash environement

    • test composer config in project-1
    • test composer config in project-2
    • make more test for each command in bash
  • haproxy

  • mariadb

  • project-1

    • front
      • nginx
    • back
      • nginx
      • php-fpm
    • front and back container in same port 80.
      • haproxy mutiple host
      • full ssl for external network and http for private network
    • readme
      • schema simple
      • with haproxy and full ssl !
  • project-2

    • laravel
      • nginx
      • php-fpm
      • use composer auto
      • config with host volume
      • config with network volume
    • adminer
      • nginx
      • php-fpm
      • connection with db in project-3
  • project-3

    • mariadb
    • link to back container of project-2
  • project-4

    • link all project with haproxy host
  • simple elasticsearch

  • apache serveur web

  • phpuint test on docker

  • phpuint test docker/ jenkins.

  • reduce weight of images

  • plug [ ] project-1 - [ ] project-2 to elk

---- issues ----

  • simple-php-fpm
    • log in simple-php-fpm in direcly on /var/log
    • on start : NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms

-- improvement --

  • copy defaults configuration on simple project
    • mariadb
    • nginx
    • php-fpm
    • haproxy
  • elk
    • the 5.0.0-rc1 is available
      • implementation
      • test
  • simple-php-fpm
    • composer
    • make and separate tow version
      • php 5.6 (simple-php56-fpm)
      • php 7 (simple-php7-fpm)
  • haproxy
    • log


  • bash
  • docker source <(curl -s https://get.docker.com/)



Add the the link to theInn alias file roject on your .bashrc

# Go in to project
cd theinn/
# Add the execution rule in your bashrc.sh and util script.
chmod +x ./inn_bashrc.sh && chmod -R +x ./util
# Add add call to inn_bashrc.sh in your .bashrc
echo "source $(pwd)/inn_bashrc.sh" >> ~/.bashrc 
# Refresh your bash environement
source ~/.bashrc


Build all images : base and simple.


# Check images
docker images