
A bot to generate fake tweets using Markov chains over previous tweeted content

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Generates fake tweets, using markov chains on previous tweeted content.


An harvester

The harvester supports the Twitter statuses/filter endpoint options (follow, track, locations) plus

  • country will be translated in locations (gps) arguments

  • lang will ignore tweets in other languages

$ node harvester.js --country Canada --lang french # will harvest tweets in french, from Canada

A command line generator

The generator supports the following options

  • block generate a predefined block among tweet, paragraph or bible
  • minwords generate a sentence with at least X words
  • maxwords generate a sentence with at most X words
  • lang generate a sentence in this language
  • html produce an HTML output (links,twitteruids)
  • lang generate a sentence in this language
$ node generate.js --lang french --block tweet --html # will output an HTML tweet-size sentance, beginning with a french word

A webapp

The webapp continuously display random, generated tweets.

$ node app.js # or npm start


You need a Redis instance to hold harvested data and generate sentances.


$ npm install -d
$ cp config.js.sample config.js


Edit the config.js file.