
Primary LanguageGo


parse csv file to slice of structs with one line code


require go 1.18 which support generics


  • Basic

Define a struct:

type Foo struct {
  Name   string
  Count  uint                   // speicify type other than string
  Enable bool `csv:"is_enable"` // speicify csv tag which used to mapping csv header  

Read a csv file:

name,count,is_enable,other key

Parse like this, you need to specify the type parameter [Foo] for the return value (Go can't infer type based on the return value type you speicify on the left side):

func main() {
  f, err := os.Open("./data.csv")
  if err != nil {
  defer f.Close()

  ret, err := gocsv.Read[Foo](f) // speicify type here, return []*T

  if err != nil {

  for _, r := range ret {
    fmt.Printf("%+v\n", r)

You can check the full example in examples folder.

  • Suppress Error

If you want to ignore data imcompatibility with field type definition, you can tell gocsv to suppress those errors.

ret, err := gocsv.Read[Foo](f, gocsv.WithSuppressError(true))
  • Multiple overrides

If you want to map another header to the same field:

type Foo struct {
  Name   string
  Count  uint   
  Enable bool `csv:"is_enable,isEnabled"` // speicify multiple csv tag which used to mapping csv header  