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Quant Research stack using EMR on EKS


We recommend using cloud9 instance to install the project.

  1. Open deployment/cdk/cdk.context.json located in cdk folder to confgure your deployment. CDK configuration allows you to create multiple independent projects using cdk-project parameter to set the active project name you want to deploy and project=<cdk-project> object to specify the project specific configuration. By default a single project named adx is created and you have to change a few parameters before deploying it in your environment.

    • project=adx.eks-role-arn should contain IAM role you assume when accessing your EKS cluster. Usually you would use different IAM Role to run your CDK deployment, so when new EKS cluster is created by CDK only CDK role will be added as a master role in EKS.
    • Change project=adx.emrstudio[0].managed-endpoints[0].iam-policy IAM policy to configure access to data and other AWS services your EMR Studio notebook is able to connect to. Existing default policy only grants access to maystreet S3 bucket.
  2. [Optional] Review and change src/Dockerfile to include any additional python packages required for your workload. All contents of src folder will be added to the docker image and will be accesible from EMR notebooks.

  3. Deploy CDK template using bash script provided. Replace <ACCOUNT_ID> and <REGION> in the snippet below with your actual

$ cd deployment/cdk/
$ bash ./deployment.sh <ACCOUNT_ID> <REGION>
  1. Once deployment successfully finished you should see EKS Cluster, EMR Virtual Cluster, EMR Managed Endpoint and EMR Studio provisioned in your account. IN orer to start using EMR Studio you will need to create a workspace (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-studio-configure-workspace.html) and assign it to managed endpoint that has been provisioned. There's also codecommit repository setup which access credentials stored in AWS Secrets Manager using `-codecommit-`` as secret name. We recommend linking this repository to your EMR Studio Workspace (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-studio-git-repo.html)

Run Apache Iceberg

To be able to use the latest version of Apache Iceberg we baked in all the necessary iceberg dependencies in Dockerfile. It's always possible to update this Dockerfile to use latest Iceberg version. There are also couple of other config changes necessary to use Iceberg. We control spark configs from deployment/cdk/lib/resources/managed-endpoint.json. From this file following config needs to be changed


This will ensure Iceberg uses correct s3 bucket as a warehouse target. For Disaster Recovery use cases we recommend using S3's Multi Region Access Points. As MRAP provides global endpoints even if region goes down MRAP endpoint stays consistent. When tables created with MRAP location this will ensure high availability and resilliency. However Spark by default cannot recognize whether bucket alias refers to MRAP endpoint or not therefore following config within the same file needs to be changed as well.


That way reads and writes that goes will always use MRAP resource.