
Wrapper for the Gallicagram API

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION



rallicagram is a R wrapper for the Gallicagram API.

Gallicagram is a super nice tool and set of databases that enables to easily run simple Natural Language Processing (NLP) analyses on a wide set of corpora. In particular, it enables to build historical time series of occurrences of keywords in various media in one line of code.


You can install the development version of rallicagram from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


The main function, gallicagram, builds a data frame with the yearly, monthly or daily proportion of mentions of a term.


gallicagram(keyword = "président", corpus = "lemonde", from = 1960)
#> # A tibble: 756 × 10
#>    date       keyword   n_occur n_total prop_occur  year month corpus resolution
#>    <date>     <chr>       <int>   <int>      <dbl> <int> <int> <chr>  <chr>     
#>  1 1960-01-01 président    1338  872943    0.00153  1960     1 lemon… monthly   
#>  2 1960-02-01 président    1360  915672    0.00149  1960     2 lemon… monthly   
#>  3 1960-03-01 président    1461  928764    0.00157  1960     3 lemon… monthly   
#>  4 1960-04-01 président    1239  772707    0.00160  1960     4 lemon… monthly   
#>  5 1960-05-01 président    1355  835612    0.00162  1960     5 lemon… monthly   
#>  6 1960-06-01 président    1314  850245    0.00155  1960     6 lemon… monthly   
#>  7 1960-07-01 président    1189  942062    0.00126  1960     7 lemon… monthly   
#>  8 1960-08-01 président     979  739018    0.00132  1960     8 lemon… monthly   
#>  9 1960-09-01 président    1506  904804    0.00166  1960     9 lemon… monthly   
#> 10 1960-10-01 président    1107  826661    0.00134  1960    10 lemon… monthly   
#> # ℹ 746 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: n_of <chr>

It enables to draw nice graphs representing the evolution of the use of a term in time, in two lines of code.

The package also allows to describe co-occurrences or words associated with a keyword. The corresponding functions are described in the vignette.


The corpora available via Gallicagram are:

Corpus Corpus Name Reliable From Reliable To Nb Words Max Length Resolution
lemonde Le Monde 1944 2023 1.50e+09 4 daily
presse Presse de Gallica 1789 1950 5.70e+10 3 monthly
livres Livres de Gallica 1600 1940 1.60e+10 5 yearly
ddb Deutsches Zeitungsportal (DDB) 1780 1950 3.90e+10 2 monthly
american_stories American Stories 1798 1963 2.00e+10 3 yearly
paris Journal de Paris 1777 1827 8.60e+07 2 daily
moniteur Moniteur Universel 1789 1869 5.11e+08 2 daily
journal_des_debats Journal des Débats 1789 1944 1.20e+09 1 daily
la_presse La Presse 1836 1869 2.53e+08 2 daily
constitutionnel Le Constitutionnel 1821 1913 6.40e+07 2 daily
figaro Le Figaro 1854 1952 8.70e+08 2 daily
temps Le Temps 1861 1942 1.00e+09 2 daily
petit_journal Le Petit Journal 1863 1942 7.45e+08 2 daily
petit_parisien Le Petit Parisien 1876 1944 6.31e+08 2 daily
huma L’Humanité 1904 1952 3.18e+08 2 daily
subtitles Opensubtitles (français) 1935 2020 1.70e+07 3 yearly
subtitles_en Opensubtitles (anglais) 1930 2020 1.02e+08 3 yearly
rap Rap (Genius) 1989 2024 2.00e+07 5 yearly

Additional information on Gallicagram can be found on a preprint by Gallicagram developers Benoît de Courson and Benjamin Azoulay and on the “Notice” tab of the Gallicagram website.