
Puppet repository for "eizo"

Primary LanguageShell

Configuring "eizo" with puppet

eizo is a machine acting as a NAS, media player and router. The configuration is maintained by Puppet.

It is quite unlikely to do anything right for you. This configuration doesn't pretend to apply to any other host than eizo.

This requires Debian Bookworm and the following packages to be installed:

  • puppet
  • librarian-puppet
  • libaugeas-ruby
  • systemd-sysv (and a reboot would be welcome)

The interface configuration part is tricky. The easiest way to get it going is to remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and reboot since it needs a modification of kernel parameters to work.

To run, use:

librarian-puppet install

Before a major change:

lvcreate --size 20G --snapshot --name root-snap /dev/eizo-vg/root

Then, later, either discard the snapshot:

lvremove /dev/eizo-vg/root-snap

Or restore it:

lvconvert --merge /dev/eizo-vg/root-snap