Primary LanguagePython


Official code release for the paper:

[SLAIM: Robust Dense Neural SLAM for Online Tracking and Mapping]
Vincent Cartillier, Grant Schindler, Irfan Essa
Neural Rendering Intelligence workshop CVPR 2024

[Project page], [arXiv]

High level overview of SLAIM capabilities

  title={SLAIM: Robust Dense Neural SLAM for Online Tracking and Mapping},
  author={Cartillier, Vincent and Schindler, Grant and Essa, Irfan},
  booktitle = {CVPR(NRI)},

  title={SLAIM: Robust Dense Neural SLAM for Online Tracking and Mapping},
  author={Cartillier, Vincent and Schindler, Grant and Essa, Irfan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.11419},

Code tested on a single A40 node (Ubundu 20, cuda 11.3)


  1. Clone SLAIM
git clone --recursive https://github.com/vincentcartillier/SLAIM
# git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. Create a conda environment,
conda create -n slaim python=3.7
conda activate slaim
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Install Instant-NGP.
    You will need GCC/G++ 8 or higher, cmake v3.21 or higher and cuda 10.2 or higher. Please check the main repo for more details.
cd dependencies/instant-ngp
cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo -j

Note: I had to manully link GLEW in the CMakeLists.txt (L180). If you already have GLEW installed this shouldn't be needed. Check the CMakeLists.txt from main repo for reference.

if (MSVC)
	list(APPEND NGP_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "dependencies/gl3w")
	list(APPEND GUI_SOURCES "dependencies/gl3w/GL/gl3w.c")
	list(APPEND NGP_LIBRARIES opengl32 $<TARGET_OBJECTS:glfw_objects>)
	find_package(GLEW REQUIRED)
    set(GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS "/nethome/vcartillier3/lib/glew-2.1.0/build/cmake/install/include")
    set(GLEW_LIBRARIES "/nethome/vcartillier3/lib/glew-2.1.0/build/cmake/install/lib/libGLEW.so")



  • ScanNet:
    Please follow the data downloading procedure on ScanNet website, and extract color/depth frames from the .sens file using this code.
    Place the data under ./Datasets/scannet/scans/scene0000_00/frames

  • Replica:
    Use the following script to download the data. Data is saved under ./Datasets/Replica. We use the same trajectories and scenes as in iMAP, NICE-SLAM, Co-SLAM etc...

bash scripts/download_replica.sh
  • TUM RGB-D:
    Use the following script to download the data. Data is saved under ./Datasets/TUM-RGBD.
bash scripts/download_tum.sh


The following steps show how to pre-process the data for a given scene.
All of the following commands are compiled in the following bash script:

bash tools_experiments/make_data.sh configs/Replica/replica_office0.yml
  1. preprocess camera poses:
python tools_make_data/preprocess_camera_poses.py --config configs/Replica/replica_office0.yml

This will create an experiment folder under data/ with the updated config file and preprocessed camera poses.

  1. Build point cloud (for scene scaling):
python tools_make_data/save_input_pc_for_init_scene_scaling.py --config data/Replica_office0/0/configs.yml

NOTE: if you turn off the POSES_FILENAME variable (ie "") in config file, that script will save the raw PC without using preprocessed poses.

  1. Estimate scaling parameters:
python tools_make_data/estimate_scale_and_shift_using_GT_pc.py --config data/Replica_office0/0/configs.yml
  1. Prepare data for NGP:
python tools_make_data/prepare_ngp_format_dataset.py --config data/Replica_office0/0/configs.yml
python tools_make_data/add_poses_to_transforms_json.py --config data/Replica_office0/0/configs.yml


Replica <output_dir> with the target directory (eg. ./outputs/).

  • ScanNet:
bash tools_experiments/run.sh <output_dir> data/ScanNet_scene0000/0/configs.yml configs/ScanNet/experiment_hyperparams/base.yml
  • Replica:
bash tools_experiments/run.sh <output_dir> data/Replica_office0/0/configs.yml configs/Replica/experiment_hyperparams/base.yml

If you wish to do 3D reconstruction evaluation, you will need to download the corresponding data for mesh culling on the neural_slam_eval repo and place it under dependencies/neural_slam_eval/data/CoSLAM_data. And you'll also have to symlink the Replica data to that repo

cd dependencies/neural_slam_eval/data
ln -s ../../../Datasets/Replica/
cd ../../../Datasets/
ln -s ../dependencies/neural_slam_eval/data/CoSLAM_data/

You'll also need to setup the corresponding conda env. Note that you may want to manually compile Open3d with headless rendering if you are working on a cluster for instance. Please refere to this page for instruction on how to compile.

conda create -n slaim_3d_eval python=3.8
conda activate slaim_3d_eval
pip install -r dependencies/neural_slam_eval/requirements.txt

Then run:

bash tools_experiments/run_replica_eval_3D.sh <output_dir> data/Replica_office0/0/configs.yml configs/Replica/experiment_hyperparams/base.yml
  • TUM RGB-D:
bash tools_experiments/run.sh <output_dir> data/TUM_desk/0/configs.yml configs/TUM/experiment_hyperparams/base.yml


Our code is based of the original Instant-NGP repo. We thank @Thomas Muller (a.k.a Tom94) for their help answering our questions while developping. We also thank the folks from Co-SLAM from sharing their code early to us. Thanks a lot for the awesome repos and making code available to the community!