Wallet project based on laravel. The project is integrated with stripe for card payments and paypal APIs. It is 90% complete with features including deposits send money with cool ui. Clone the project and start your wallet system asap. cheers
- abokareem
- aimensasiHere
- akhenda
- chrkenfack
- cphuoc91
- goshagrv
- hakanonymos
- heldanrois
- hendprazBandung, West Java
- humfriczhumfricz enterprises
- ill-yes@micromata
- JolaoluBerlin
- ljieyao@innolabglobal
- mckenziearts@shopperlabs
- mirariesMontenegro
- muhdzulhilmiabdullah
- nares44
- notsuhz
- O-HoomanIndonesian
- ocoielControlle
- placecodexDominican Republic
- RahulSDeshpande@dopay
- realnsleoOseon
- rjkeener
- rmros
- rzornig
- saas-consulting
- shaileshjangirJaipur, Rajasthan (INDIA)
- shashanderson
- sponnusa
- studuino
- takashatoRezLabs HCMC / Skylines Shipping HCMC / LDYP Singapore
- urvishp80Milton, Ontario, Canada
- xewlHeist-op-den-Berg, Belgium
- zikwalCreative Cinema Media Group