
AI powered customer service & team collaboration,alternative to slack + zendesk/intercom/livechat + chatpdf。企业IM + 在线客服 + AI助手,打造开源版企业微信/钉钉/飞书

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


AI powered customer service & team im



Enterprise Instant Messaging/IM

  • Multi-level organizational structure
  • role management
  • Permission management
  • Chat record management

Online customer service

  • Support multiple channels, multiple routing strategies, and detailed assessment indicators
  • Seating workbench
  • Work order system
  • Seat management
  • Data dashboard
  • manual knowledge base
  • Skill group management
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Announcements
  • sensitive words
  • CRM
  • Report function,
  • Provide customers with integrated customer service workbench services

Large model AI assistant

  • More suitable for team use, one person configuration, for use throughout the company

Local Area Network File Transfer

  • No need to log in or connect to the internet, use WiFi/hotspots to transfer files across platforms

Getting Started

# Notice: this repo is still under ative development, 
# many features are not completed or not stable,the docs are not completed
git clone https://github.com/Bytedesk/bytedesk.git
# config file: bytedesk/starter/src/main/resources/application-dev.properties
cd bytedesk/starter
mvn spring-boot:run
# release jar:
cd bytedesk/starter
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar bytedesk-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# background run:
# nohup java -jar bytedesk-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# local preview:
developer: http://localhost:9003/dev
web: http://localhost:9003/
admin: http://localhost:9003/admin, user/password: admin@email.com/admin
chat: http://localhost:9003/chat, user/password: admin@email.com/admin
visitor: http://localhost:9003/v
api docs: http://localhost:9003/swagger-ui/index.html
actuator: http://localhost:9003/im/actuator
h2-console: http://localhost:9003/h2-console, path: ./h2db/weiyuim, user/password: sa/sa



Customer Service Visitor SDK

Download Client

chat contact setting



  • support business usage
  • selling, reselling, or hosting Bytedesk IM as a service is a breach of the terms and automatically terminates your rights under the license.
  • 仅支持企业内部员工自用,销售、二次销售或者部署SaaS方式销售需要获得授权,请勿用于非法用途。