Thesis template for the "MATHSTIC" PhD school.

This repository is a clone of the inria gitlab repo:

This repository contains a template for the thesis manuscript supporting all doctoral schools of Collège Doctoral de Bretagne.

The main goal of this template is to provide both front and back covers of the thesis manuscript entirely written in latex. These covers have been (manually) reproduced from the original M$ Word model provided by doctoral school MathSTIC in 2018, then generalized to all doctoral schools. While the manuscript covers must follow the rules of DBL, the internal layout of the content is more flexible. The content layout provided in this template is therefore given as an exemple rather than as a mandatory framework.

Getting Started

Structure of the repository

  • main.tex contains the backbone structure of the document, no content is present in this file
  • these-dbl.cls contains the package dependencies, bibliography parameters including citation style and overall layout specifications including both front and back cover layouts
  • cover/front.tex contains the variables that must be filled by the author to complete the front cover, these variables are used in \maketitle redefined in these-dbl.cls
  • cover/back.tex contains the variables that must be filled by the author to complete the back cover, these variables are used in the macros defined in these-dbl.cls
  • The Makefile helps you compile the latex and bibliography into a pdf (details below)
  • The rest of the directories each contain one chapter of the document

Fill the front and back cover

The front cover details must be provided by filling the variables in Couverture-these/pagedegarde.tex. The lines calling the \ecoledoctorale{} and \etablissement{} (i.e., institution) commands must be modified to adapt the covers to the doctoral school and institution(s) delivering the diplome (by default set to MathSTIC and Université de Rennes 1, respectively). The file cover/ lists the supported doctoral schools and institutions, and contains links pointing to lists of domains and labs/faculties, for each doctoral school, that are needed to fill the front cover (commands \spec{} and \uniterecherche{}). Modifying the front cover layout defined in these-dbl.cls should only be necessary to preserve the original layout using a few \vspace after filling the front cover (e.g., domain, jury section).

The back cover variables that must be filled are in cover/back.tex.


A LaTeX distribution such as texlive is necessary in order to compile your document. Please note some necessary packages are not directly included in a base texlive installation.

Required additional packages:

  • Fedora (install using dnf install)
    • texlive-abstract
    • texlive-wallpaper
  • Other distributions
    • TODO (contributions welcome)

Compile latex into pdf

A Makefile is provided to help you compile your document. It uses pdflatex andbiber to generate the pdf file and can display it by using evince on Linux or open on MacOS.

Compile your document with pdflatex/biber:


Display the generated pdf:

make viewpdf

Remove all generated files, pdf included:

make clean

Particularities of a multilanguage document

The list of used languages is defined in these-dbl.cls where the package babel is imported. As the back cover contains both French and English, it is necessary to keep at least both these languages in the list. Use \selectlanguage{x} (where x is french or english) to switch language after its usage.

If the main language of your document is English, you must apply the following changes to the provided template:

  • replace \selectlanguage{french} by \selectlanguage{english} in main.tex
  • edit line 488 of these-dbl.cls to replace Partie by Part in the headers
  • include a summary in French of at least 4 pages

Change the content font

The required font for the covers is Arial but you can use another font for the content of the thesis by redefining the commands \rmdefault and \sfdefault as commented out in these-dbl.cls. Currently the latex default font is the one used for the content.


To propose changes, (1) you first have to request access to this repository (top page link, HOWTO), (2) push your branch to this repository once access is granted, and finally (3) create a pull request with your proposed changes. Or just create an issue.