JHipster generated kubernetes configuration


You will need to push your image to a registry. If you have not done so, use the following commands to tag and push the images:

$ docker image tag mytest anyobject/mytest
$ docker push anyobject/mytest


You can deploy all your apps by running the below bash command:


Exploring your services

Use these commands to find your application's IP addresses:

$ kubectl get svc mytest -n mytest

Scaling your deployments

You can scale your apps using

$ kubectl scale deployment <app-name> --replicas <replica-count> -n mytest

zero-downtime deployments

The default way to update a running app in kubernetes, is to deploy a new image tag to your docker registry and then deploy it using

$ kubectl set image deployment/<app-name>-app <app-name>=<new-image>  -n mytest

Using livenessProbes and readinessProbe allows you to tell kubernetes about the state of your apps, in order to ensure availablity of your services. You will need minimum 2 replicas for every app deployment, you want to have zero-downtime deployed. This is because the rolling upgrade strategy first kills a running replica in order to place a new. Running only one replica, will cause a short downtime during upgrades.

Monitoring tools

JHipster console

Your application logs can be found in JHipster console (powered by Kibana). You can find its service details by

$ kubectl get svc jhipster-console -n mytest
  • If you have chosen Ingress, then you should be able to access Kibana using the given ingress domain.
  • If you have chosen NodePort, then point your browser to an IP of any of your nodes and use the node port described in the output.
  • If you have chosen LoadBalancer, then use the IaaS provided LB IP


my apps doesn't get pulled, because of 'imagePullBackof'

check the registry your kubernetes cluster is accessing. If you are using a private registry, you should add it to your namespace by kubectl create secret docker-registry (check the docs for more info)

my apps get killed, before they can boot up

This can occur, if your cluster has low resource (e.g. Minikube). Increase the initialDelySeconds value of livenessProbe of your deployments

my apps are starting very slow, despite I have a cluster with many resources

The default setting are optimized for middle scale clusters. You are free to increase the JAVA_OPTS environment variable, and resource requests and limits to improve the performance. Be careful!

my SQL based microservice stuck during liquibase initialization when running multiple replicas

Sometimes the database changelog lock gets corrupted. You will need to connect to the database using kubectl exec -it and remove all lines of liquibases databasechangeloglock table.