Testing Glue Pyspark jobs

This repo contains example code that shows how you can test your glue pyspark jobs.

It accompanies this article on medium https://towardsdatascience.com/testing-glue-pyspark-jobs-4b544d62106e

testing_mocked_s3.py -> is the script used in the article.

glue_job.py -> is the glue pyspark job

test_glue_job.py -> is the test for glue_job.py


  • you have python 3.6.8 installed;
  • you have java jdk 8 installed;
  • you have spark 2.4.3 for hadoop 2.7 installed.

Run the test

pip install pipenv
git clone git@github.com:vincentclaes/testing-glue-pyspark-jobs.git
cd testing-glue-pyspark-jobs
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python -m unittest test_glue_job.py