Dockerizing Angular App using Docker Multi-stage build


This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.1.4.

Docker + Node(12.18-alpine) + Angular(10.1.7) + Nginx(1.19.6-alpine)

To build

  • Default to Production

    docker build -t dockerangularstarter:production .
  • To specific environment by setting configuration: e.g. staging, dev

    docker build -t dockerangularstarter:staging --build-arg configuration=staging .
    docker build -t dockerangularstarter:dev --build-arg configuration=dev .
  • Learn about using --build-arg for build time variables

To run

docker run --rm -p 8080:80 dockerangularstarter:production
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 dockerangularstarter:staging
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 dockerangularstarter:dev

Deploy to Azure Kubernetes Service /w public IP - AKS

  • Create AKS Cluster, wire to ACR (~/.my-config/snippets)
  • Docker build and push to ACR (~/.my-config/snippets)
  • Open deployment.yml, change containers -> image to match the one in ACR
  • Run kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

Azure DevOps Pipeline

2 Pipelines, 2 Clusters, 1 Image, n tags, 2 Branches, 2 pipeline yml, 2 service.yml, 2 ConfigMap k/v pairs, 2 deployment.yml, 2 Deployment/Pod env k/v pairs

  • DevOps Portal - 2 pipelines

    • master
      • image name (for docker build and the rest): default to project name. Optionally append the branch name to differentiate master/stage images.
      • rename azure-pipleline.yml to master-pipeline.yml
      • make sure master-pipeline.yml trigger to master
      • save to master branch
      • rename the pipeline to MyRepo-master
    • stage
      • image name (for docker build and the rest): default to project name. Optionally append the branch name to differentiate master/stage images.
      • rename azure-pipleline.yml to stage-pipeline.yml
      • ***** edit stage-pipeline.yml trigger to stage ********
      • save to new branch stage off master
      • rename the pipeline to MyRepo-stage
    • Pre Deployment Approval
      • Environment tab
        • Approvals and Checks
  • Ymls Updates

    • master

      • master-pipeline.yml
        • replace original tag -> tag: '$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(Build.BuildId)'
      • manifests folder
        • service.yml
          • TODO: update ConfigMap k/v pairs
        • deployment.yml
          • TODO: update Deployment/Pod env k/v pairs
          • TODO: update image name? depends you want both master and stage using the same image name but differentiated only by tag (BuildID?)
    • stage

      • stage-pipeline.yml
        • replace original tag -> tag: '$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(Build.BuildId)'
      • manifests folder
        • service.yml
          • TODO: update ConfigMap k/v data
        • deployment.yml
          • TODO: update Deployment/Pod env k/v data
          • TODO: update image name? depends you want both master and stage using the same image name but differentiated only by tag (BuildID?)
  • tips

include [skip ci] in the comment to skip the ci trigger
