
Tesseract OCR Compilation - Docker Container

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Tesseract OCR Compilation - Docker Container

This repository contains scripts and definition of Docker container that helps to compile Tesseract. If you are looking for ready to use Teserract 4 Runtime Environment container (and don't want to compile it) please take look at tesseractshadow/tesseract4re.

If you are not familiar with Docker please read Docker - Get Started. This compilation procedure is based on:



Scripted steps (tested as a root sudo su):

  1. ./scripts/1-opt-remove-container.sh - (optional) remove tesseract-ocr if it already exists and you want to start from begining (note, all compilation results stored inside container will be lost).
  2. ./scripts/2-run-new-container.sh - run the new tesseract-ocr container.
  3. ./scripts/3-opt-show-ocr-info.sh - show ocr version info
  4. ./scripts/4-test-ocr.sh image_url - do some OCR tests. 1st argument is image url e.g. https://github.com/vincenthome/tesseract-ocr-compilation/blob/master/test-images/problem.tif?raw=true
  5. ./scripts/5-opt-build-pkg.sh - (optional) build Leptionica and Tesseract packages and copy them outside tesseract-ocr container
  6. ./scripts/x-pull-container.sh - pull tesseractshadow/tesseract4cmp image from Docker Hub (automated build using dockerfile from this repository).
  7. ./scripts/x-update-src.sh - update source code of Leptionica and Tesseract.
  8. ./scripts/x-compile-src.sh - compile Leptionica and Tesseract, it may take tens of minutes

Bulid docker IMAGE including MAKE tesseract-ocr yourself

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Execute ./dockerfile.build.sh

Run docker CONTAINER, Build and Test Tesseract

  1. Run Container: ./scripts/2-run-new-container.sh
  2. Show Tesseract version: ./scripts/3-opt-show-ocr-info.sh
  3. Test Tesseract: ./scripts/4-test-ocr.sh

If something went wrong

You can get into the container using SSH: