
Testing Docker, nginx + reverse proxy, local https, apollo federation, and microservices.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The idea behind this setup is to have the frontend app being served from a separate server. In this instance, we're spoofing that by hosting on a different port: https://local.dev.io:3000.

Every api call from the frontend will go to an Apollo federated gateway sitting behind nginx hosted at https://local.dev.io.

The rest of the services (products, users) sit behind the gateway where their schemas are automatically stitched together by the gateway.

Local SSL Cert creation

*Every dev should install and run mkcert separately. Certs should not be stored/shared.

Make sure mkcert is installed, or install with:

brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
mkcert -install

In the certs directory run:

mkcert local.dev.io

Append to your /etc/hosts file: local.dev.io

[todo] will automate - for now you must copy the certs into frontend/certs and nginx/certs before running docker-compose build.