IONIC 2 Boilerplate
A ionic 2 boilerplate for starting new projects. This boilerplate will follow the best practices for angular and ionic development.
- Ionic rc0
- Unit testing with karma
- e2e tests with protractor + screenshot reporter
- SCSS Lint (ref:
- TSlint with Codelyzer (ref:
- NVM (ref:
- GIT workflow with Commitizen + automatic changelog (see GIT section below) (ref:
- BetterScripts for npm (ref:
- ENV variables from package.json injected
- Es-Lodash
- Coverege
- Continuous Integration files with travis and gitlab
- Dockerfile
- Automatic ipa/apk after CI through ionic upload
- Documentation with typedoc (waiting a new release that supports ts 2.0 (TypeStrong/typedoc#234)
- Error logging: Sentry (
- Database: PouchDB ( Don't use localstorage as it can be deleted.
- Time and Dates: MomentJs (
- NGRX pattern/library if you plan to make a big app. (
npm i -g cordova ionic
gem install scss_lint
ionic state restore
webdriver-manager update
Note: you should have python 2 (if you have the 3.0 you should update e2e script) and ruby 2 installed.
All Available NPM scripts commands
Task | Description |
dev |
run ionic serve |
build |
Full production build. Use --dev flag for dev build. |
release |
generate changelog based on commits |
push |
shortcut for git push origin master --follow-tags |
lint |
lint with tslint |
scss-lint |
lint scss |
test |
runs Karma test |
e2e |
runs e2e protractor tests |
e2e:interactive |
runs e2e protractor tests in interactive mode |
docs |
not working yet |
outdated |
search npm packages for outdated dependencies |
ios:dev |
build .ipa using dev environment vars |
ios:release |
build .ipa with production environment vars |
android:dev |
build .apk using dev environment vars |
android:release |
build .apk with production environment vars |
- Optionally you can use Git flow (ref:
- If you want to bump the changelog, run "npm run release"
- You should consider to write a shortcut in .bashrc for the following commands
git add .
npm run commit // this will run tslint + scss lint + commit
npm run push // this will run unit tests + push
- I'm using a python server to run the e2e tests for 2 reasons. First, sometimes you have 2 or more projects running together and this mean that port 8100 is not available. Secondly sometimes, even working on a single project you have to kill the process manually because the original process didn't exit correctly and port is still unavailable.
- Set code style for typesript:
- {import} -> { import }
- import * from "lodash" -> import * from 'lodash'
- Set typescript settings to be used with the version inside node_modules instead of the bundled one (1.8)
- Don't activate typescript compiler. ionic-team/ionic-framework#8303
- Enable tslint in settings
- Download scss lint plugin and enable it
- You should avoid Windows. I tried a lot of times and at the end found myself switching to a Mac VM or Hackintosh or Linux distro. The following tips are not resolutive but can help you set up a nice environment.
- Instead of windows terminal I used cmder.
- If you use Webstorm. Set terminal settings as follow -> "cmd.exe" /k ""%CMDER_ROOT%\vendor\init.bat""
- Remember to re-start webstorm every time you make a change to the terminal.
- npm install --global --production windows-build-tools //node-gyp fix
- Set webstorm to write with line endingds LF (mac os or unix)
- To avoid git warnings: git config core.autocrlf false
- e2e commands is not working on windows, because the python server can't be launched. As a workaround add START /B before python -m and remove & at the end of the line in package.json. Anyway you will have to kill manually the process every time after every execution.