Not working when CSS is already compressed
binarykitchen opened this issue · 2 comments
binarykitchen commented
When I already have the whole CSS compressed into one very long line only, then this gulp plugin seems to replace the first occurrence only.
Try it yourself ...
vincentmac commented
Yes, that is by design. This plugin will only match one item per line. I would recommend using gulp-csso to minimize your css after running it through gulp-fingerprint. Here's an example of how I'm using it.
gulp.task('styles:dist', ['images:dist', 'images:lib:dist'], function () {
var manifest = require('../../' + config.dist + '/image-manifest');
_.assign(manifest, require('../../' + config.dist + '/image-lib-manifest')); // combine manifest
// See for more options
return gulp.src('app/assets/stylesheets/app.scss')
includePaths: [
config.bower + '/foundation/scss',
config.bower + '/compass-mixins/lib',
imagePath: '/assets',
.pipe(fingerprint(manifest, {
base: 'assets/',
prefix: '/dist/images/',
verbose: true
.pipe(csso()) // minify css
.pipe(gulp.dest(config.dist + '/styles'))
binarykitchen commented
Thanks, yeah, I figured that out myself recently too. Ticket closed!