A gulp task to update fingerprinted assets from a rev-manifest.json file
- 0
Is this suitable for production?
#20 opened by callumacrae - 4
Broken with Gulp v4
#24 opened by binarykitchen - 0
- 0
- 2
Not working in srcset attribute
#16 opened by khmelevskii - 2
requiring rev-manifest
#12 opened by Melonbwead - 14
Stops in the middle without any output
#13 opened by binarykitchen - 1
Regex captures `url()`
#14 opened by rdallasgray - 1
Be able to take in .pipe(rev.manifest())
#10 opened by kflorence - 1
- 12
Adjust regex to subfolder
#1 opened by binarykitchen - 2
- 4
Processing SVG font URLs
#3 opened by secretfader - 1
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