In Chinese traditional culture
means heaven andkun
stands for earth, soqiankun
is the universe.
An implementation of Micro Frontends, based on single-spa, but made it production-ready.
npm i qiankun -S
npm i
npm run install:examples
npm start
Visit http://localhost:7099
import { registerMicroApps, start } from 'qiankun';
function render({ appContent, loading }) {
const container = document.getElementById('container');
ReactDOM.render(<Framework loading={loading} content={appContent}/>, container);
function genActiveRule(routerPrefix) {
return (location) => location.pathname.startsWith(routerPrefix);
{ name: 'react app', entry: '//localhost:7100', render, activeRule: genActiveRule('/react') },
{ name: 'vue app', entry: { scripts: [ '//localhost:7100/main.js' ] }, render, activeRule: genActiveRule('/vue') },
beforeLoad: [async app => {
console.log('before load', app);
beforeMount: [async app => {
console.log('before mount', app);
afterMount: [async app => {
console.log('before mount', app);
afterUnmount: [async app => {
console.log('after unload', app);
start({ prefetch: true, jsSandbox: true });
- HTML Entry
- Config Entry
- Isolated styles
- JS Sandbox
- Assets Prefetch
- @umijs/plugin-qiankun integration
- Nested Microfrontends
function registerMicroApps<T extends object = {}>(apps: Array<RegistrableApp<T>>, lifeCycles?: LifeCycles<T>): void;
type RegistrableApp = {
name: string; // app name
entry: string | { scripts?: string[]; styles?: string[]; html?: string }; // app entry
render: (props?: { appContent: string, loading: boolean }) => any;
activeRule: (location: Location) => boolean;
props?: object; // props pass through to app
type Lifecycle<T extends object> = (app: RegistrableApp<T>) => Promise<any>;
type LifeCycles<T extends object> = {
beforeLoad?: Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>>;
beforeMount?: Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>>;
afterMount?: Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>>;
afterUnmount?: Lifecycle<T> | Array<Lifecycle<T>>;
function start({ prefetch: boolean, jsSandbox: boolean }): void;
Export those lifecycle hooks from your entry
export async function bootstrap() {
console.log('react app bootstraped');
export async function mount(props) {
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById('react15Root'));
export async function unmount() {
For more lifecycle information, see single-spa lifecycles
While you wanna build a sub app to integrate with qiankun, pls make sure your bundler have the required configuration below:
output: {
library: packageName,
libraryTarget: 'umd',
jsonpFunction: `webpackJsonp_${packageName}`,
parcel serve entry.js --global myvariable