You made it
As you know by now, at NSS we focus on pragmatic, hands-on learning. To that end, we're going to spend most of our time focused on building a powerful, easy-to-use, multi-user blogging platform called TabloidTM*.
* Tabloid is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bangazon Inc.
We'll spend the first few weeks orienting you to .NET Core, C#, SQL, and a new set of tools and techniques for building complex applications.
- Installation of required tools.
- Introduction to the C# language.
- Concepts of sustainable, scalable, object-oriented software development.
- Overview of server-side development ecosystem
- How the Internet works
- Inheritance, composition, and aggregation
- Entity relationships
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
At the end of orientation, you will build a command line prototype of the Tabloid application.
After orientation's focus on the command line development, we'll turn to web applications using Microsoft's powerful, open source ASP.NET Core framework.
We'll start with building server-side rendered web apps using ASP.NET Core MVC. These applications will generate HTML on the server and send it to the browser.
We'll wrap up this phase of the course by building an MVP of Tabloid.
Finally, we will end the course by learning to build a back-end API using ASP.NET Core Web API. This will give us the opportunity to build a dynamic front-end in React.
You will work on three different Sprints while you build the products that Bangazon Corporation needs in order to operate as a modern business. On each of these sprints, you will build features that your product owner has defined in the Backlog.
We'll end the course wih a two sprint project to build Tabloid as a full stack application.