MSDS 411 ASSIGNMENT 1 - README PREPARED BY VINCENT PUN *************************************************************************************************************************** LIST OF FILE NAMES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF FILES: 1. pun-v-paper.pdf = text content of the paper 2. pun-v-code.txt = complete program code used to access and analyze the data 3. Fig-1-Corrplot.jpg = Figure 1, part of paper 4. Fig-2-SCree-plot = Figure 2, part of paper 5. Fig-3-Heatmap.jpg = Figure 3, part of paper 6. Fig-4-Path-Diagram.jpg = Figure 4, part of paper 7. Support-1-Numbered-DF-Logic.pdf = Logic used to recode data 8. Support-2-Feature-Engineering-Logic.pdf = Logic used to create interesting variables 9. Mar19public.sav = Pew Research Center March 2019 Political Survey Data ***************************************************************************************************************************
Apply traditional statistical methods such as PCA and FA to characterize political opinions within survey research data