
The 2021 version of my portfolio 👨🏻‍💻

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Deployment ESLint Website

The 2021 version of my personal portfolio page. Built with Next.js and Typescript 🚀


  1. Installation
  2. Features
    1. Cards
    2. Blocks
    3. Sections


Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/vincentrohde/vincent21.git
cd ./vincent21

Install dependencies

npm install

Now that you have everything in place you can start the project.

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

The project will be available via




A lot of times content is displayed using cards. The basic Card component is used for almost anything on the page.

There are also more complex versions of the base, like the ShadowCard component, which extends the base with a ShadowBox component. It is used for every card that has a shadow behind the content.

Desktop View of a SocialCard with some text next to it. It extends from the ShadowCard and includes an OverlayImage at the top.


Blocks represent a reusable collection of multiple components, that are always put together in the same way. An example would be the ProjectPreview block that is used to preview a project. Blocks are used in lists (ex. previewing multiple projects).

Desktop View of a ProjectPreview block. It includes an ImageCard, up to 3 Button components, a Text and finally Tags.


The page is divided into unique sections, such as the Work section. They then act as static templates, that use blocks and components to display the information provided to them.

Desktop View of the Work section, with a group of WorkPreview blocks.