An Ansible inventory tool.
Jetfire is a web based Flask application with a MongoDB backend to manage an Ansible inventory.
It is currently in early stage and lacks fearures and proper documentation. It currently has the following features:
add host with vars and add it to available groups
add groups with vars and available members
get host info (hostvars)
get group info (groupvars and members)
edit host vars and groups
edit groups vars and hosts
remove hosts and groups from the inventory
You’ll need a running MongoDB instance that you will use for your inventory. By default an "ansible" db is created (unless you configure a differend name in the config file) with currently following collections
clone the repository and edit the config.cfg file in the app folder (specify mongodb server, port and database). Then run python to launch the application. Open a browser and point to http://<yourhost>:5000
The script is used as inventory script. It must be edited to point to the same MongoDB instance and database to function.
curl http://<host>:<port>/api/v1.0/hosts -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @host.json -X POST -v
API documention can be found here