
ReactJS based frontend web chat application development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Secure Chat Application using React and the Signal Protocol

Technology Stack

  1. ReactJS library for UI
  2. Signal Protocol Implementation for E2EE
  3. Axios for AJAX calls
  4. LocalStorage to store/fetch Pre-key bundle and Chats
  5. Web Sockets Implementation for Instant Messaging


  1. Login
  2. Chat Window
    1. Contact List
    2. Message Box

Axios Calls

  1. GET - api/users/login/userName - Returns User Object of the given User
  2. GET - api/users/users/userId/role - Returns Users Array other than the given User with given role

Web Sockets

  1. Establishing WS Connection: let webSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/chat")
  2. Event Listeners of the webSocket Object:
    webSocket.onopen = () => {
        console.log(‘WebSocket Client Connected’);
        webSocket.send('Hi this is web client.');
    webSocket.onmessage = (e) => {
        console.log(‘Received: ’ + e.data);
    webSocket.close = () => {
        console.log('WebSocket Client Closed.’);

Signal Protocol Implementation

  1. InMemorySignalProtocolStore.js (and helpers.js) are taken for storage purpose from Signal Github (link mentioned in resources)
  2. libsignal-protocol.js (also from Signal Github) implements the protocol
  3. Signal Gateway - Created by me to integrate React with Signal. It performs the Initialization, Encryption and Decryption functionality when required on Frontend. Check the file in src/signal/SignalGateway.js for detailed code.
  4. Calling Signal Methods for Encryption
async getNewMsgObj(newMsgObj) {
        let selectedUserChatId = this.getSelectedUserChatId()
        let msgToSend = { chatId: selectedUserChatId, senderid: this.props.loggedInUserObj._id, receiverid: this.state.messageToUser._id, ...newMsgObj }
        // Send Message for Encryption to Signal Protocol, then send the Encrypted Message to main server
        try {
            let encryptedMessage = await this.props.signalProtocolManagerUser.encryptMessageAsync(this.state.messageToUser._id, newMsgObj.message);
            msgToSend.message = encryptedMessage
            this.setState({ lastSentMessage: newMsgObj.message }) // Storing last-sent message for Verification with Received Message
        } catch (error) {
  1. Calling Signal Methods for Decryption
ws.onmessage = async (e) => {
            let newMessage = JSON.parse(e.data)
            // In case message is from self, save state-stored message to Chats i.e. no need of using/decrypting the received message
            // This is only for verifying that the messages have successfully been received.
            if (newMessage.senderid === this.props.loggedInUserObj._id) {
                newMessage.message = this.state.lastSentMessage
            } else { // Otherwise decrypt it and then save to Chats
                // Decryption using Signal Protocol
                let decrytedMessage = await this.props.signalProtocolManagerUser.decryptMessageAsync(newMessage.senderid, newMessage.message)
                newMessage.message = decrytedMessage


  1. Signal Protocol in JavaScript Github
  2. Why Axios
  3. ReactJS
  4. Web Sockets API