- Clone this repo: 'git clone https://github.com/noahweber1/Computational_Longevity.git'
- Install jupyter book: 'pip install jupyter-book'
- Now, open the command prompt in the folder “Jupyter Book Demo”, and execute the following command: 'jupyter-book build ./Book' [only if you create new chapters]
- Set this branch as remote: 'git remote add origin https://github.com/SoumenAtta/Jupyter-Book-Demo.git'
- Perform standard git add, commit and push once you have created your changes.
- Finally in CLI inside of the folder where Book is execute: 'ghp-import -n -p -f _build/html'
Refer for details: https://soumenatta.medium.com/publishing-online-books-using-jupyter-book-and-github-pages-5960d809cbb7