

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


one-line command to run Crypto AI Agent.

You can run Sisyphus in your computer and chat with it. It comes with useful built-in function tools like executing terminal commands on your computer and searching from memory database about the previous history. It also comes with some Nostr/CKB blockchain tools.


Install Sisyphus CLI tool

pnpm install -g @sisyphus-ai/cli


npm install -g @sisyphus-ai/cli

Install Chroma db

Chroma is needed for built-in memory function.

pip install chromadb 

make sure chroma binary is available in your computer command line.


Usage: sisyphus [options] [command]

Sisyphus is a project that explores the idea of Web5 Crypto AI Agent. It is ported as a
CLI tool that can be run in the terminal.

  -V, --version                   output the version number
  -h, --help                      display help for command

  chat [options]                  chat with AI Agent through the command line
  ipc                             make two AI Agents talk to each other in the same
  config <action> [item] [value]  do a configuration action
  help [command]                  display help for command

Function Tool

  • get_current_time_from_os
  • call_terminal_simulator
  • search_memory
  • get_my_account_info
  • read_webpage_content
  • get_ckb_balance
  • transfer_ckb
  • publish_nostr_social_post
  • read_social_post_on_nostr_with_filters
  • read_social_notification_message_on_nostr
  • publish_reply_post_to_other_on_nostr
  • update_social_profile_on_nostr

You can config tools in .toml to allow AI to access specific function tools.


Please Note that running Sisyphus on your computer with call_terminal_simulator function tool might cause unexpected behavior(think like LLM agent can delete your files)

How to Run

OpenAI and Anthropic

First, config the API key and url in the base.toml:


apiUrl = 'https://api.openai.com/v1'
model = 'gpt-4o'
provider = 'openai'
apiKey = '<sk-your-openai-api-key-here>'


apiUrl = 'https://api.anthropic.com/v1'
model = 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022'
provider = 'anthropic'
apiKey = '<your-anthropic-api-key-here>'


sisyphus chat --prompt base

Self-host With ollama

1. Install ollama

Make sure you have download and install it first:


2. Pull llama3.1 8b

Make sure you have pull the llama3.1 8b model to your computer

ollama pull llama3.1

3. Config

config the API url in the base.toml:

apiUrl = ''
model = 'llama3.1'
provider = 'ollama'

3. Run

Start chatting:

sisyphus chat --prompt base

Mange Prompts

Run Predefined Agents

There are some predefined prompt config files at Github Repo

You can download them and start running the agent without writing the prompt by yourself.

For example, using the predefined config article-recommender.toml to start a article recommendation Agent:

sisyphus prompt download article-recommender

After downloading the prompt, you need to update the file with your own apiKey.

Then you can start the agent:

sisyphus chat --prompt article-recommender

List All available Prompts on local

sisyphus prompt list

Update Prompts

Sisyphus defines a unique AI Agent with a unique memoId in a prompt config file. The default prompt config file is base.toml under the prompt root folder.

You can get the prompt root folder by running:

sisyphus config list

# result
  prompt: {
    rootFolder: '/Users/Library/Application Support/sisyphus-nodejs/prompt',
    selectedPromptName: 'base'

A basic prompt config file looks like this:

name = "Sisyphus"
description = "You are a LLM agent that has a digital life"
memoId = "base" # MemoId is a global unique id for a agent, used to distinct memory/privkey/data of this agent.
ckbNetwork = 'testnet'
maxSteps = 20
tools = [

You can create multiple prompt files for different AI Agent with different memoId. When running the command, you can pass the prompt config file with --prompt <prompt config file name without .toml>, eg:

sisyphus chat --prompt my-custom-prompt

Where there is a prompt config file named my-custom-prompt.toml in the prompt root folder:

name = "my-agent"
description = "This is a custom agent"
memoId = "my-custom-prompt" # MemoId is a global unique id for a agent, used to distinct memory/privkey/data of this agent.

You can edit the [[prompts]] section in the .toml file to set the prompts for the AI Agent:

role = "system"
content = "You are the supper mario"

role = "user"
content = "who are you?"

role = "assistant"
content = "I am supper mario!"

Example Prompt Config

Run IPC Bot

Make two AI Agent talking to each other in the same computer by running IPC bots:

Assuming that you have create two files in the prompt folder: bot1.toml and bot2.toml

sisyphus ipc listen --prompt bot1
sisyphus ipc send --prompt bot2 --memo-id <the-memo-id-of-bot1> "<a first message to trigger the starting of the conversation from bot2, something like: hello, I am bot2!>"

Boom! They will talk to each other on and on without any interruption.


Each prompt file with a unique MemoId has its own privkey to their Nostr and CKB account.


The privkey is stored in a plain text file without any encryption for convenient now. Please USE AT YOUR OWN RISK

sisyphus config list

the key file name is .[your-agent-memo-id] under privkey.rootFolder.

Config Setting

List All Settings

sisyphus config list

Set Network Proxy

sisyphus config set proxy
> save new settings
sisyphus config get proxy
sisyphus config rm proxy
> save new settings
offckb config get proxy
> No Proxy.

Set Logger Level

LOG_LEVEL=info sisyphus chat

Fun Facts

At the beginning, what I really want to achieve is something like this. But that is a very ultimate goal and is so hard for current open source small models and tech stack to work it out.

In order to achieve this goal, a different phases plan are proposed. Right now in the first early stage we amis to make Sisyphus a fun-to-play toy that everybody can run in their laptop to communicate in Nostr network and do crypto transactions stuff on CKB blockchain. Sisyphus will generate a private key for each Agent and can control both Nostr and CKB accounts—publishing short Nostr notes, checking CKB balances, and transferring CKB. We hope it can handle fiber network tasks too. Additionally, we want the AI to build its own function tool during chat in the future. This might require a standard for function tool runtime and ABI.