
Server component for the android application developed for the Software Engineering class at EPFL.

The server main purpose is to send notification messages to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) servers that will forward them to devices. It is also responsible for the generation of the statistics graphs. As FCM needs the device registration ID of the phone, the app will register the current user with out server, that will store the key,value pair (userId, registrationId) in a redis instance. The server also monitors the FirebaseDatabase associated to our application to send additional notifications and to generate statistics plots.


Docker and docker-compose are necessary. Instructions for installing them are here

docker-compose build will prepare the docker images that can be run with docker-compose up adding the flag -d to run as a daemon.

The prod.env file must contain:

  • FCM_KEY : Firebase Cloud Messaging key
  • FCM_URL: The URL of the Firebase Cloud Messaging servers. At the time of project creation it is https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send
  • DELETE_EXPIRED : true if you want to schedule the destruction of matches at their expiration date, else false
  • FIREBASE_DB : The url of the Firabse Realtime Database.
  • FIREBASE_KEY : Path to the json key file necessary to authenticate with Firebase and have access to the Database