Void setup with BSPWM

This script aims to setup my environment. If you want to use it, changes should be made to fit your hardware.


Short list of tools:

  • BSPWM (window manager)
  • Polybar (fixed top bar)
  • Pipewire (audio server)
  • A lot of Xorg junk (but recommended to have)
  • Kitty (terminal emulator)
  • Thunar (file manager)

For the full list of dependencies installed, follow the next section.


Remove the software that you don't want bellow (be careful to don't remove needed dependencies):


After clone this to your home directory in a fresh Void install, run the following:

$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh

Your root password will be requested.

Key bindings

  • Super + Enter: opens terminal;
  • Super + Space: opens rofi;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Del: opens power menu;
  • Print: Full desktop printscreen that will be saved in ~/Pictures/Screenshots;
  • Shift + Print: prints from selected area and saves at the same folder;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Print: prints selected area to clipboard;
  • All the defaults from BSPWM and sxhkd;