
Very simple remote thumbnail generator with a very simple cache system

Primary LanguageJavaScript


croche is a very simple remote thumbnail generator with a very simple cache system.


We assume you have the following tools already installed:


First of all, you need to install imagemagick on your server:

brew install imagemagick

After, that, just clone the project wherever you want:

git clone git@github.com:vinch/croche.git

Go to the newly created folder and download all the dependencies:

npm install

After that, you're ready to go! Just start the server:

node .


Go to that URL: http://localhost:3333/

It accepts the following parameters:

  • url: URL of the image (URL-encoded)
  • width: desired width of the result (optional, default 320)
  • height: desired height of the result (optional, default 240)

Example: http://localhost:3333/resize?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vinch.be%2Fattic%2Fme.jpg&width=120&height=95