FreeWifi PHP Captive Portal, useful for builds coffee or restaurants free hotspots without pay external cloud services. Works with Ubiquiti Unifi controller v4+
NOTE: This captive portal actually works, but it's under development. There is only frontend and I'm coding a jquery-mobile backend for administrate database.
WARNING: Some countries' laws, require a logging data for guests activities from wifi hotspots. This tool does not collect any data or logs, so use it at your risk. If required in your country, install a logging system by yourself. I'm not responsible for law violations!
- Mac address authentication for free limited-time wifi access;
- Registered users authentication (support limited time login from single mac address);
- Remaining time counter for users (you can show them fake values, hiding minutes from remaining time);
- Blocking expired session's mac-address for minutes (or hours / days);
- Multilanguage and language browser detection (italian/english);
- Single customizable frontend theme.
- Ubiquiti Unifi Controller (tested on 4.8.20 version)
- Linux Debian or Windows Lamp (tested on Debian and Raspbian 8)
- Nginx or Apache2 webserver with php enabled
- Sqlite3 or Mysql 5.5 server
- PHP 5.5 with mysql and/or sqlite3 PDO support
- PhpMyAdmin or external database client for backend [OPTIONAL]
Prepare your system installing the unifi controller, a web server (Nginx/Apache) with PHP/PDO and a DBMS (Mysql or Sqlite3);
Put guest/ directory into webserver root (like /var/www/html) and change permissions to access www-data webserver user;
To increase security, move guest/s/default/db/hotspot.sqlite and hotspot.sql files to another path (like /var) inaccessible from web, but accessible from php;
Edit guest/s/default/ Unifi Controller options, database settings and $GLOBALS['sessionLogging'] with random string.
If you use mysql, import hotspot.sql file into database (you can use PhpMyAdmin). If you prefer sqlite, set $GLOBALS['dbms']='sqlite' and $GLOBALS['sqliteFile'] to hotspot.sqlite file. For backend you can use sqliteweb (
Read DATABASE.TXT for tables description (writing in progress)
Log in in Unifi Controller and set External Hotspot (from Guest Policies) to redirect to custom captive ip address.
This tool is released under MIT License
This Captive Portal is based on
- Medoo (
- UniFi API browser (
I'm working for Linux ready hotspot distro with Espresso Frontend and Espresso-Admin. Will be available for Raspberry Pi 2-3 and X86/x64 platforms.
ESPRESSO-ADMIN BACKEND (works only with mysql!)
Emanuele Paiano - nixw0rm [at] gmail [dot] com
If you like this project, consider a little donation, so I can buy new hardware for testing and development. At least you can offer me a coffee.. :)