
Scan your HTTPS-enabled website for Mixed Content

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Mixed Content Scan

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Scan your HTTPS-enabled website for Mixed Content

Built by Bramus! (https://www.bram.us/) and Contributors


Mixed Content Scan is a CLI Script which crawls+scans HTTPS-enabled websites for Mixed Content.

The script starts at a given URL, and then starts processing it:

  • All contained img[src|srcset|data-src], iframe[src], script[src], link[href][rel="stylesheet"], object[data], form[action], embed[src], video[src], audio[src], source[src|srcset], and params[name="movie"][value] elements are checked for being Mixed Content or not
  • All contained a[href] elements linking to the same or a deeper level are successively processed for Mixed Content.


Installation is possible using Composer

composer global require bramus/mixed-content-scan:~2.9

New to Composer? It's a command line tool for dependency management in PHP. On Linux/Unix/OSX you will need to download and run the install script and (recommended) successively move composer.phar to a global location. On Windows you will need to run the installer


Run this script from the CLI, a such:

$ mixed-content-scan https://www.bram.us/

The script itself will start scanning and give feedback whilst running. When Mixed Content is found, the URLs causing Mixed Content warnings will be shown on screen:

$ mixed-content-scan https://www.bram.us/
[2015-01-07 12:54:20] MCS.NOTICE: Scanning https://www.bram.us/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:21] MCS.INFO: 00000 - https://www.bram.us/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:22] MCS.INFO: 00001 - https://www.bram.us/projects/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:22] MCS.INFO: 00002 - https://www.bram.us/projects/mint-custom-title/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:23] MCS.INFO: 00003 - https://www.bram.us/projects/bramusicq/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:24] MCS.INFO: 00004 - https://www.bram.us/projects/gm_bramus/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:24] MCS.INFO: 00005 - https://www.bram.us/projects/js_bramus/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:26] MCS.INFO: 00006 - https://www.bram.us/projects/js_bramus/jsprogressbarhandler/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:27] MCS.INFO: 00007 - https://www.bram.us/projects/js_bramus/lazierload/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:27] MCS.INFO: 00008 - https://www.bram.us/projects/the-box-office/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:28] MCS.INFO: 00009 - https://www.bram.us/projects/tinymce-plugins/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:29] MCS.INFO: 00010 - https://www.bram.us/projects/tinymce-plugins/tinymce-classes-and-ids-plugin-bramus_cssextras/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:30] MCS.INFO: 00011 - https://www.bram.us/projects/flashlightboxinjector/ [] []


[2015-01-07 12:54:45] MCS.INFO: 00036 - https://www.bram.us/2007/06/04/accessible-expanding-and-collapsing-menu/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:45] MCS.ERROR: 00037 - https://www.bram.us/demo/projects/jsprogressbarhandler/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:45] MCS.WARNING: http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:46] MCS.INFO: 00038 - https://www.bram.us/2008/07/11/ror-progress-bar-helper/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:46] MCS.INFO: 00039 - https://www.bram.us/2008/11/10/jsprogressbarhandler-033/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.ERROR: 00040 - https://www.bram.us/demo/projects/lazierload/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1212/1285026452_0aeb38b6e6.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1074/1273115418_a77357040a.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1096/1273106588_91f7a736c6.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1324/1216309045_31ca82f9d9.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1262/1217169586_e4b2bfa7df.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1149/1216304291_63fd48d9c4.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1366/1216301505_51b3c590ff.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1184/1216299847_c57975bed2.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1085/1217158084_a9b059d25b.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1040/1216293529_3b7c044815.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1029/1084232736_5b8c023f46.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1318/1043062251_17071a8cc7.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1221/1043059543_05713e6156.jpg [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.WARNING: http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.INFO: 00041 - https://www.bram.us/2011/09/30/css-regions-and-css-exclusions/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:54:47] MCS.INFO: 00042 - https://www.bram.us/2014/06/04/good-looking-shapes-gallery/ [] []


Mixed Content Scan uses ANSI coloring, provided by bramus/ansi-php, so one can easily spot errors based on the color.

Advanced usage / CLI Options

Mixed Content Scan support several CLI options which can manipulate its behavior:

  • --output=path/to/file: File to output results to. Defaults to php://stdout (= show on screen).
  • --format=ansi|no-ansi|json: Define which formatter to use for outputting the results
    • ansi (Default): ANSI Colored Line Formatter
    • no-ansi: Monolog Line Formatter
    • json: Monolog JSON Formatter
  • --no-crawl: Don't crawl scanned pages for new pages
  • --no-check-certificate: Don't check the certificate for validity (e.g. allow self-signed or missing certificates)
  • --timeout=value-in-milliseconds: How long to wait for each request to complete. Defaults to 10000ms.
  • --delay=value-in-seconds: How long to wait between each request. Defaults to 0s.
  • --input=path/to/file: Specify a file containing a list of links as the source, instead of parsing the passed in URL. Automatically enables --no-crawl
  • --ignore=path/to/file: File containing URL patterns to ignore. See Ignoring links further down on how to build this file.
  • --loglevel=level: The Monolog loglevel to log at. Defaults to 200 (= info). Both numeric values, as string (lowercase) values are supported as input. See Monolog Log Levels for more info.
  • --user-agent='user-agent': Set the user agent to be used when crawling.

Example: mixed-content-scan https://www.bram.us/ --ignore=./wordpress.txt --output=./results.txt --format=no-ansi

Handling errors

Internally Mixed Content Scan uses Curl to perform requests. If an error should be encountered (in case of a connection loss for example), the error will be shown on screen:

[2015-01-07 12:56:43] MCS.INFO: 00003 - https://www.bram.us/projects/bramusicq/ [] []
[2015-01-07 12:56:53] MCS.CRITICAL: cURL Error (28): SSL connection timeout [] []

Ignoring links

It's possible to define a list of patterns to ignore. To do so, create a text file with on each line a PCRE pattern to ignore. Pass in the path to that file using the --ignore option. Lines starting with # are considered being comments and therefore are ignored.

For a WordPress installation, the ignore pattern file – which is distributed with Mixed Content Scan in ignorepattens/wordpress.txt – would be this:

# Paginated Overview Links

# Single Post Links
# ^{$rootUrl}/(\d+)/(\d+)/

# Tag Overview Links

# Author Overview Links

# Category Overview Links

# Monthly Overview Links

# Year Overview Links

# Comment Subscription Link

# Wordpress Core File Links

# Archive Links

# Replyto Links

The {$rootUrl} token in each pattern will be replaced with the (root) URL passed into the script.

Note: The PHP PCRE Cheat Sheet might come in handy.

Known issues

Mixed Content Scan:

  • Doesn't take <base href="..."> into account (but who uses that, anyways?)
  • Doesn't scan linked .css or .js files themselves for Mixed Content
  • Doesn't scan inline <script> or <style> for mixed content

Please open an issue (or fix it and perform a pull request ;)) when you've encountered a problem.