
An open source, public, and free API to the National Institute for Technology's National Vulnerability Database: https://nvd.nist.gov/

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An open source, public, and free API to the National Institute for Technology's National Vulnerability Database: https://nvd.nist.gov/


  • The National Vulnerability Database (or NVD) is an extremely valuable resource that provides regularly updated details on known vulnerabilites and the products that they affect.
  • The NVD can be queried with a user friendly search interface, but the maintainers do not offer an API for machine to machine queries.
  • The NVD also offers regularly updated data files free of charge.
  • The NVD-API project seeks to expose the entirety of the existing NVD as well as regularly integrate NVD updates over a RESTful API free of charge for consumers.
  • The NVD-API project is an open source option for those wishing to integrate NVD database results into their product.

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