
Ory demonstration with NestJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NestOry Logo


This demonstration app is a web-based platform (REST API) called CatFoster. The CatFoster application is a simplified example that demonstrates the integration of Ory in a NestJS application. The application will not cover frontend development and deployment, focusing solely on the backend implementation.

Note If this is your first time working with Ory, I recommend reading the Introduction to Ory article to familiarize yourself with the core components and concepts of Ory.

Key Features

  1. User Authentication and Profile Management:

    • Ory Integration: Utilize Ory's authentication system to handle user registrations, logins, password resets, and profile management.
    • User Roles: There is one static user role, Admin, that a super admin can assign to users after registration.
  2. Cat Profiles:

    • Listing and Management: Cat owners can create profiles for their cats, including photos, descriptions, special care instructions, and availability for fostering. Admins can edit and delete cat profiles.
    • Search and Filters: Users looking to foster cats can search for them based on filters.
  3. Fostering Matchmaking:

    • Requests and Approvals: Cat fosters can send fostering requests to cat owners, who can review and approve or deny them based on the foster's profiles.
    • Authorization Checks: Use Ory to manage authorization, ensuring that only cat owners can approve fostering requests and only registered users can send requests.

Design phase


graph TD
    UI[(Self-service UI)] -->|Login/Manage Account| OryKratos[Ory Kratos<br>Authentication]
    %%UI -->|View/Search Cats, Request Fostering| NestJSApp[NestJS App]%%
    NestJSApp -->|Authentication| OryKratos
    NestJSApp -->|Authorization| OryKeto[Ory Keto<br>Authorization]
    NestJSApp -->|CRUD Operations| Postgres[(Postgres)]
    OryKratos -->|User Signup| Webhooks[HTTP Webhooks]
    Webhooks -->|Replicate User Data| NestJSApp
    OryKratos -->|Session Management| UI
    Postgres -->|Store User & Cat Profiles| NestJSApp

  • Self-service UI: This is the frontend where users can log in and manage their accounts. It communicates directly with Ory Kratos for authentication-related tasks.
  • Ory Kratos: Handles authentication. It's responsible for user login, account management, and session management. It interacts with the NestJS app via HTTP webhooks to replicate user data on signup.
  • HTTP Webhooks: Serve as the communication link between Ory Kratos and the NestJS app, ensuring the user is replicated in the local database upon signup.
  • NestJS App: The core of your application is handling business logic, CRUD operations with the Postgres database, authentication checks with Ory Kratos, and authorization with Ory Keto.
  • Ory Keto: Manages authorization, determining what authenticated users are allowed to do within the application.
  • Postgres: The database where user data (replicated from Ory on signup), cat profiles and fostering requests are stored. The NestJS app interacts with Postgres for all data storage and retrieval operations.

User Flows

To visualize the user flow for the CatFoster project, we'll create a series of diagrams using Mermaid to illustrate the different interactions a user can have within the system. These interactions include signing up and signing in, creating a cat profile, updating and deleting their cat profiles, requesting to foster a cat, and approving fostering requests.

User Sign-Up and Sign-In Flow

title: User Sign Up and Sign In Flow
    participant U as User
    participant UI as Self-service UI
    participant Kratos as Ory Kratos

    U->>UI: Access platform
    alt User is not signed in
        UI->>Kratos: Redirects to Sign Up/Sign In
        Kratos->>U: Shows Sign Up/Sign In Form
        U->>Kratos: Fills Sign Up Form
        Kratos->>U: Shows Verification Message
        U->>Kratos: Verifies Email
        Kratos->>UI: Redirects to Self-service UI
        UI->>U: Shows Success Message

Cat Profile Edition Flows

It all starts with the user creating a cat profile. Once the profile is created, the user (owner or member of admin group) can update or delete it. The following sequence diagrams illustrate these flows.

title: Create Cat Profile
    participant U as User
    participant UI as Self-service UI
    participant Kratos as Ory Kratos
    participant NestJS as NestJS App
    participant DB as Postgres Database

    U->>UI: Sign in
    UI->>Kratos: Authentication Request
    Kratos->>U: Authentication Success
    U->>NestJS: Create Cat Profile
    NestJS-->Kratos: Check session
    Kratos->>NestJS: Session Valid
    NestJS->>DB: Stores Cat Profile
    NestJS->>U: Shows Success Message
title: Update and Delete Cat Profile
    participant U as User
    participant Kratos as Ory Kratos
    participant Keto as Ory Keto
    participant NestJS as NestJS App
    participant DB as Postgres Database

    U->>NestJS: Requests to Update/Delete Cat Profile
    NestJS-->Kratos: Check session
    Kratos->>NestJS: Session Valid
    NestJS->>Keto: Checks Authorization (Owns Cat Profile or Is Admin Group member)
    Keto->>NestJS: Authorization Response
    alt User Can Change Profile
      alt Update Profile
          NestJS->>DB: Updates Profile
          DB->>NestJS: Update Confirmation
          NestJS->>U: Shows Success Message
      else Delete Profile
          NestJS->>DB: Deletes Profile
          DB->>NestJS: Deletion Confirmation
          NestJS->>U: Shows Success Message
    else User Cannot Change Profile
      NestJS->>U: Shows Error/Restriction Message


Request Fostering Flow

This flow ensures that users can request to foster a cat only if they meet specific criteria, such as not being the cat's owner and not already fostering this cat. This mechanism helps prevent conflicts and ensures a smooth fostering process.

    participant U as User
    participant Kratos as Ory Kratos
    participant Keto as Ory Keto
    participant NestJS as NestJS App
    participant DB as Postgres Database

    U->>NestJS: Request to Foster a Cat
    NestJS-->Kratos: Check session
    Kratos->>NestJS: Session Valid
    NestJS->>Keto: Verifies if User Can Foster (Not Owner, Not Already Fostering)
    Keto->>NestJS: Authorization Response
    alt User Can Foster
        U->>NestJS: Submits Request
        NestJS->>DB: Stores Request
        DB->>NestJS: Confirmation
        NestJS->>U: Shows Success Message
    else User Cannot Foster
        NestJS->>U: Shows Error/Restriction Message

Approve Fostering Request Flow

This flow ensures that only cat owners can approve fostering requests, maintaining control over who fosters their cats.

    participant U as User
    participant Kratos as Ory Kratos
    participant Keto as Ory Keto
    participant NestJS as NestJS App
    participant DB as Postgres Database

    U->>NestJS: Approve Fostering Request
    NestJS-->Kratos: Check session
    Kratos->>NestJS: Session Valid
    NestJS->>Keto: Verifies if User Can Approve (Is Owner of Cat Profile)
    Keto->>NestJS: Authorization Response
    alt User Can Approve
        U->>NestJS: Submits Approval
        NestJS->>DB: Updates Request Status
        DB->>NestJS: Confirmation
        NestJS->>U: Shows Success Message
    else User Cannot Approve
        NestJS->>U: Shows Error/Restriction Message

Entities and Relationships

The diagram below represents the entities of CatProfile, User, and Fostering in your CatFoster application and illustrates their relationships. This diagram shows each entity's attributes and their associations, such as ownership and fostering relationships.

  • User: Represents users of the system, which can be cat owners, fosters, or both. Attributes include basic user information like id, name, email. Relationships include ownedCats, a list of CatProfile entities that the user owns, and fosteringActivities, a list of Fostering entities indicating the cats they are fostering or have fostered.

  • CatProfile: Represents the profiles of cats available for fostering. Attributes include the cat's id, name, age, description, ownerId (linking back to the User who owns the cat), and photosUrls, a list of URLs to photos of the cat. It has a relationship to Fostering, which indicates any fostering activities it's involved in.

  • Fostering: Represents a fostering arrangement between a user (foster) and a cat. Attributes include id, catId (linking to the CatProfile being fostered), fosterUserId (linking to the User who is fostering the cat), startDate, endDate, and status (which can include states like pending, active, or completed).

    class User {
      +String id
      +String name
      +String email
      +List~CatProfile~ catProfiles
      +List~Fostering~ fosteringActivities

    class CatProfile {
      +String id
      +String name
      +String age
      +String description
      +List~String~ photosUrls
      +User owner
      +List~Fostering~ fosterings

    class Fostering {
      +String id
      +Date startDate
      +Date endDate
      +String status
      +User participant
      +CatProfile catProfile

    User "1" -- "0..*" CatProfile : owns
    User "1" -- "0..*" Fostering : participatesIn
    CatProfile "1" -- "0..*" Fostering : includedIn


In Ory Keto (the authorization component of Ory), developers can express relationships using the Ory Permission Language. You can compare them to DDD Aggregates, where relations are defined between entities, and permissions are defined based on the context of the user and the entity with which they interact.

Ory uses the following terminology:

  • subjects: users or groups interacting with the system (e.g., User)
  • objects: entities in the system (e.g., CatProfile, Fostering)
  • relations: associations between objects (e.g., owns, participatesIn, includedIn)
  • permissions: actions that users can perform on objects (e.g., edit, foster, approve)

To manage access control in the CatFoster application, we will translate the user flows and entity relationships into Ory permissions:

Note The permissions will be implemented using Ory Permission Language Code in the following steps.


    NamespaceRelations *-- Namespace
    NamespacePermissions *-- Namespace
    Namespace <|-- User
    Namespace <|-- Group
    Namespace <|-- CatProfile
    Group o-- User : "members"
    CatProfile o-- User : "owners"
    CatProfile o-- Group : "editors"
    Fostering o-- CatProfile : "catProfiles"
    Fostering o-- User : "fosterUsers"

    class Context {
      subject: never;

    class NamespaceRelations {
        +[relation: string]: INamespace[]

    class NamespacePermissions {
        +[method: string]: (ctx: Context) => boolean

    class Namespace {
        -related?: NamespaceRelations
        -permits?: NamespacePermissions

    class User {

    note for Group "<i>Users</i> can be <b>members</b> of a <i>Group</i>"
    class Group {
        +related.members: User[]

    note for CatProfile "<i>Users</i> in owners and from specified <i>Group</i> are allowed to <b>edit</b>. \nHowever <i>CatProfile</i> <b>owners</b> cannot <b>foster</b> a Cat. \nImplicitly, anyone can <b>view</b> CatProfile"
    class CatProfile {
        +related.editors: Group.members[]
        +related.owners: User[]

        +permits.edit(ctx: Context): boolean
        +permits.foster(ctx: Context): boolean

    note for Fostering "<i>Users</i> can <b>participate</b> in <i>Fostering</i> activities. \nHowever, only <i>CatProfile</i> <i>owners</i> can <b>approve</b> and <b>reject</b> a <i>Fostering</i> request. \nAlso, <i>Users</i> who are <b>fosterUsers</b> can <b>edit</b> <i>Fostering</i> activities. \nBoth <i>CatProfile</i> <i>owners</i> and <i>fosterUsers</i> can <b>read</b> <i>Fostering</i> activities."

    class Fostering {
        +related.catProfiles: CatProfile[]
        +related.fosterUsers: User[]

        +permits.approve(ctx: Context): boolean
        +permits.reject(ctx: Context): boolean
        +permits.edit(ctx: Context): boolean
        +permits.read(ctx: Context): boolean

Note The relations are always defined as arrays to allow multiple users or groups to be associated with a specific entity. The permissions are defined as functions that receive a context object and return a boolean value based on the user's authorization level.