Contiki SNMP

IEEE 802.15.4 is a standard which specifies the physical layer and
media access control for low-rate wireless personal area networks
providing node-to-node frame delivery between devices within reachable
distance. The standard is targeted at low-cost, low-speed and
low-power devices.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a widely deployed
application protocol for network management and data retrieval. Its
implementation can be very lightweight and may fit
resource-constrained devices very well.

The focus of this project is implementation and evaluation of the SNMP
protocol for devices supporting IEEE 802.15.4 Radios and the Contiki
Embedded Operating System. The targeted platform is AVR Raven.

The current implementation supports the GET, GETNEXT and SET
operations, the SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 message processing models and the
User-based Security Model with the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication and
CFB128-AES-128 symmetric encryption protocols.

Getting Started

The Contiki SNMP agent has been tested working with the Contiki 2.5
version. As such, it is provided here already integrated into a
working Contiki 2.5 source tree.

You can find instructions on how to get started with Contiki SNMP at:

Source Structure

* apps/snmpd:

    This folder contains the SNMP agent implementation. Most purpose
    of most files in here are self-explanatory.

    All implemented MIB modules are in the mib-init-*.c files.

* examples/snmpd-raven:

    This example combines an SNMP agent and webserver implementation
    together for the AVR Raven platform. The implemented MIB modules
    can be found in the mib-init-raven.c file located in apps/snmpd.

* examples/snmpd-minimal-net:

    This example provides a virtual node that runs on the minimal-net
    platform of Contiki. Without access to any specialized mote
    hardware, this platform can be used to test the SNMP agent on your
    native machine. The MIB implementation can be found in mib-init.c
    file located in apps/snmpd.