
Hey party people! 🎉 We're Manuel, Laura, and Edoardo, the masterminds behind Cocojambo! 🚀

So, picture this: after 6 intense weeks of coding, we get it - everyone needs a good cocktail, right? That's where our Cocktail App comes in! 🍹 Dive in, search for the coolest cocktails, geek out on ingredient details, stash away your all-time favorites, and a whole lot more!

Welcome to Cocojambo, where the code is cool, and the cocktails are cooler! Cheers to coding adventures and mixology magic! 🌐🍸

Table of Contents


  1. Search Cocktails and Ingredients:

    • Users can search for cocktails or ingredients to get a list of related cocktails.
  2. Random Cocktail:

    • Users can generate a random cocktail recommendation.
  3. User Authentication:

    • Secure user authentication using bcrypt to hash passwords.
  4. Profile Picture:

    • Users can set and display a profile picture.
  5. Favorites:

    • Users can add cocktails to their favorites list.
  6. Your Favorites:

    • View a list of all the cocktails added to the favorites.

Technologies Used

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Mongoose
  • BcryptJS
  • Handlebars (hbs)
  • Session Management: express-session, connect-mongo
  • External API: The Cocktail DB (


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies

npm install axios bcryptjs connect-mongo cookie-parser dotenv express express-session hbs mongoose morgan serve-favicon

  1. Get access

MONGODB_URI=your_mongodb_uri SESS_SECRET=your_session_secret

  1. Start!

npm run dev