
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Implementing Juraj Majerik's rides

I aim to walk through Juraj Majerik's implementation of a ride sharing app. I don't aim to add something new but to learn more about simulations and how they are implmented.

Since i aim to learn more about the simulation engine behind the app and not about the various microservices implemented I will implement this locally to avoid the costs and complexity of deploying to the web.

Reference : https://jurajmajerik.com/

Instructions to run

  1. Clone the repository into your local computer

  2. Make sure you have docker desktop installed

  3. Run docker create volume app-db

  4. Run docker-compose build

  5. Run docker-compose up -d

  6. Run the queries in db folder inside the db container that has been created

    Run psql -U postgres CREATE TABLE customers (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, customer_id uuid UNIQUE, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, active BOOLEAN, location VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, destination VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, driver_id uuid UNIQUE); CREATE TYPE status_enum AS ENUM ('idle', 'pickup', 'enroute'); CREATE TABLE drivers (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, driver_id uuid UNIQUE, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, status status_enum NOT NULL, location VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, path TEXT, path_index INTEGER, customer_id uuid UNIQUE, customer_name VARCHAR(255)); /dt to check if tables are created

  7. Rerun simulation container

  8. Go to http://localhost:8080/

Upon making any changes to frontend

  1. Delete build folder in frontend
  2. Run npm run build in frontend directory
  3. Change back to original directory
  4. Run docker-compose build
  5. Run docker-compose up -d
  6. Go to http://localhost:8080/
  7. If changes aren't reflected immediately refresh a few times