
It's a simple react native app using expressJs and NodeJs as it's back end and MongoDb as the database and can perform CRUD operation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN - CRUD (React Native)

It is a simple app which is build using MERN

  • M-MongoDB(mongoose)
  • E-ExpressJs
  • R-React Native
  • N-NodeJs


Libraries used

  • react-redux
  • express
  • mongoose
  • react-native-paper
  • react-navigation
  • react-native-actionsheet


  • mongodb
  • expo-cli or expo xde
  • node


Start the server under server/ folder

yarn start

Then go to expo XDE and import the project and run the app

Note : If you are on Android please find out the local IP address of your system and enter it under the file constants.js found under MERN-RN/src/config/constants